Episode 31 (B) Taming of the Zords

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"Talk to me Lila, are you alright?" Worry laced the Lunar Wolf Rangers words. The Leviathan Ranger took stock of herself and her Terrazord. Both were hurt, but miraculously intact. She needed to breathe for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just... get it," she mustered, gesturing at the Wildforce Megazord starting to gather itself from their collective pile upon the ground.

Back on the Animarium, Kite and Princess Shayla were trembling as they watched the water. The Rangers needed backup, now. The Princess grabbed her necklace.

"Cole, maybe the Kongazord can help!"

"Good idea. Come on, guys," the Red Ranger was determined to turn the fight in their favor and give his team their control back.

"Wild Zords, descend!"

Five more Wild Zords charged into the battle. The Gorilla, Rhino and Armadillo, and Bear Brothers arrived at a terrible scene of the Wildforce Megazord blasting the Predazord with full force.

"Looks like the Predazord is going down for the count. What's this? More Wild Zords have entered the arena!"

The Bear Zords were faster than the others and broke off forward from the pack. The Wildforce Megazord turned to face them, raising its arms. Each Bear blasted out their blue and red attacks, each hitting an arm on the Megazord and effectively stopping the assault.

"Let's put 'em together," the Red Ranger commanded, knowing their Wild Zords were infinitely stronger when united.

"Wild Zords, combine!"

The five Rangers eagerly ascended into the Kongazord, glad to finally be able to help.

"So now, ladies and germs, what we have here is the dream match we never imagined could come true – the Wildforce Megazord versus the Kongazord Striker!"

The Rangers knew they had to be careful. These two Megazords were equally powerful.

"Kongazord, don't hurt him," the Red Ranger urged.

The machines took off at once, each Megazord grabbing the other by the shoulders, and holding them in place. The Yellow Ranger knew her Bear Zords well and pushed their strength a bit further. The Kongazord began to force the Megazords arms back. The Megazord raised its knee to collide with the Kongazords chest, pulling it down and launching it into a toss over its head. The Rangers managed to get their feet under them before they landed, avoiding further damage to the city.

"Oh man, it's as strong as us. What are we going to do?" asked the Black Ranger.

"I don't know, but we can't destroy the Megazord! Those are our own Wild Zords," the White Ranger lamented.

"But we have to do something..." The Blue Ranger was right, but they didn't have much time to figure it out. The Wildforce Megazord was on them again already.

"Alright- that should do it." The Leviathan Ranger placed a string of wires back into the belly of the Terrazords control panel and closed its door with a clang. She stood up and began flicking the switches, trying to re-ignite its power. Her heart skipped as the panel finally lit up.

"Terrazord, Awaken!"

The Leviathan Ranger laughed, gripping the controls and bringing her Zords back into the battle. "It's going to take all of us. We need you Predazord, are you there?"

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