Episode 30 Team Carnival

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The morning after the fight with the Flute Org was gorgeous, but the Rangers were too preoccupied to mind. They were trying to grasp how their battle had ended, with Animus himself appearing to save them once again in their hour of need.

"How did Animus show up?" Cole asked.

"I don't understand, I saw Master Org destroy him 3000 years ago," Princess Shayla replied.

"That's still so weird to hear," said Lila, "last time I saw him, he was alive and helping us run the kingdom," she said to the Princess. Danny leaned towards Lila and began to whisper.

"How did you used to run Animaria? I mean, you two aren't related, are you?"

"No, Danny," Princess Shayla explained, "the royal family was chosen by Animus, just like you all were chosen by your Wild Zords. Lila handled the people and the politics, while my powers are tied to the Wild Zords, so, I am their protector. Animus however, watched over the Earth itself, and guided us and the Ancient Warriors to our places."

"Ah, that makes more sense. But I did notice, those five Wild Zords that combined to form Animus, were unlike our Wild Zords..." Danny trailed off.

"If Animus has been reborn, I wonder where he is now," said Alyssa.

"So, this is where the Rangers live!"

A voice unfamiliar to Lila was coming towards the Temple. Moments later, Max and a younger boy appeared, running through the bushes towards them.

"Kite!!" Cole ran forward in excitement. "I've been looking all over for you. Good job," he thanked Max, who walked over to the group looking smug.

"Max, you know the rules. He shouldn't be up here," Taylor scolded him.

"But he was hungry..."

Alyssa perked up instantly. "Oh... really? Come with me, I'll fix you something to eat." Alyssa took the boy by the hand, leading him towards their makeshift kitchen, Max and Cole following behind them. As they walked past, Kite turned his head, his eyes locking with Lila's. He stopped unexpectedly, jerking Alyssa back.

The two stared at each other in silence, the boy staring unabashedly, almost accusingly while Lila was frozen. She knew for certain that she had never met the boy, and yet, felt an immediate kinship with him. She went to speak, but he pulled Alyssa's hand and led her from the Temple. The Princess, having saw the exchange went to her friend.

"What was that about?"

Lila pondered, but came up empty. "...I have no idea."

Max ended up volunteering to take the boy, Kite, into Turtle Cove to try and refresh some memories of the boy's past. The idea of "allowing one kid to babysit another" was too much for Taylor to handle and had reluctantly decided to join the two for their own good.

While the city itself still didn't offer much interest to Lila, she was beginning to go stir crazy on the Animarium. She resolved to head out on her own to explore the forests just outside Turtle Cove and familiarize herself with the land of her old kingdom.

She teleported down to the field on the forests edge, where she had become the Leviathan Ranger. Scorch marks were still left in the dirt from the battle, and giant craters from where her Terrazord had trashed the Tanto Org. She headed west from the site purposefully avoiding the paths already laid, and crunching through the dense brush with her boots, taking a mental note to thank the Princess again for them as they were perfect for hiking. Lila traipsed for most of the morning, as long as her Growl Phone did not ring, she was content to keep going until she was exhausted.

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