Episode 38 (A) Sealing the Nexus

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A trilling sound was intruding on Lila's dreams. She was somewhere far away from Turtle Cove, spending her time wandering the Earth and helping it along as she went. Others accompanied her in her travels, and together they were venturing from the hottest jungles to snow capped mountains. She was greatly enjoying herself, but the intrusive sound was pulling her out of her sleep incessantly. 

Cracking her eyes, she found with a start that she was still by the firepit behind Willie's Roadhouse. She didn't remember falling asleep there, but it was early morning. She saw Merrick was laid out next to her and had just been roused by the sound as well. Lila looked around for the source of the sound, still in a daze from just waking up and finally grasped that the Growl Phone on her wrist was ringing. She snatched it and flung it quickly open in a panic.

"Hello?" she said into the phone. Merrick pulled himself up and stretched his neck. He hadn't quite planned on falling asleep outside with her either. They must have both desperately needed the rest, or the companionship. He listened into Lila's conversation.

"I'm fine Cole,- no. I just couldn't sleep, and I went for a walk. Tell everyone I'm sorry for worrying them, I didn't mean to stay out all night."

Merrick heard Cole faintly ask her where she was. Lila's eyes darted to Merrick, unsure whether she should be honest.

"I'm with Merrick, I mean- I, I'm at the Roadhouse," she cursed herself in her head for the little slip-up as her cheeks blushed with heat. Merrick pretended like he hadn't noticed, but he turned his head away and couldn't help but grin to himself.

"Alright... yeah," Lila was now listening intently to Cole on the other end of the Growl Phone, "we can meet you there- Yeah, we'll see you soon." She turned off the Growl Phone and returned it to her wrist. Merrick stood, reaching out a hand to help her up as well, which she gladly took.

"So, where are we headed?" he asked.

"The biggest rock quarry, the one with the river. We've seen the most powerful Orgs show up in that area, so, the guys figure we should start looking there for the Nexus. And if we find the Nexus- "

"-we find the Princess," he finished for her, "so, what are we waiting for?"

He pulled out his Wolf animal crystal in threw it to the ground, his Savage Cycle appearing in a burst of light before them in the crystals place.

Willie was inside the Roadhouse, having just finished brewing his first pot of coffee. He hadn't seen Merrick or any customers yet that morning, so the sound of a motorcycle zooming its way past the windows caught him a little off guard. He only just managed to catch a glimpse of the hurried driver, seeing a purple and a silver figure speeding off together and out of sight. He smiled and wished his young pair of assistant's good luck with whatever task laid ahead of them.

Princess Shayla could see daylight coming through the small window of her prison cell, but it was too high for her to see out of it. It could possibly be her only chance of figuring out where exactly she was being kept, or better yet, give her something better to stare at other than the stagnant stone walls and gloomy, smoky floor that made the air stale.

A sound began to echo down the halls, footsteps and the dragging of cloth. Master Org stepped into view and stared eagerly at the Princess. She had endured almost an entire day of listening to him chanting in an archaic language and he didn't even seem weary. She wondered what he would do next, or what he could possibly want with her now. He strode to the prison door, his eyes unmoving from his gaze on the Princess. She stepped forward to meet him, still trying to firmly display her contempt for him. Startled, she jumped back as he unlocked the door and entered her cell. He loomed over her and cast a dark shadow with his large form.

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