Episode 28 (C) Princess, Queen, Warrior

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Lila broke her and Merrick's embrace first. Merrick let her go but kept one hand protectively on her back. She rubbed her eyebrows, the realization of what had just happened to her only beginning to sink in.

"So, where are we? I have so many questions..." she started, but before she could get anything else out, her knees buckled, and she stumbled to the ground. Merrick caught her weight and let her fall gently. Taylor being the most mature and level-headed of the group, de-morphed and moved to check on Lila, allowing her to properly see her face for the first time. The other Rangers quickly followed, de-morphing to show her their true identities.

"Goodness," she said quietly to Merrick, "they look so different."

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe how many things are different," he commented offhandedly. Nodding towards Taylor, he said, "this is Taylor, the Soaring Eagle."

Taylor smiled up at her quickly, offering her hand. Lila took it but was surprised when Taylor flipped her wrist and started tracking her heartbeat.

"Then we have, Alyssa, the Noble Tiger," Merrick continued, "Danny, the Iron Bison. Max, the Surging Shark-"

"Surfing Shark!" Max laughed.

"And this is Cole, the Red Lion. They're very capable, you can trust them," Merrick assured her, leaving Lila slightly better now that she had been formally introduced.

"Her pulse is slow, we should get her back to the Animarium," Taylor suggested.

"Hopefully, Princess Shayla will be able to tell us more," said Cole.

"Shayla's here??" Lila asked, her expression happy, but her eyes wild with confusion.

"Take it easy, Lila," Merrick calmed her, "I promise, I'm going to tell you everything I know. Look, using the Leviathan like that is difficult on a good day, let us take you to the Animarium where you can get your strength back."

Lila looked to each of the Rangers, each returning her concern with supportive looks. Merrick felt great pride in his friends. They were treating Lila with the same under-standing and loyalty as they treated him when he first became the Lunar Wolf Ranger. They had welcomed him as a friend, forgiven him despite his past.

The Rangers all moved, positioning themselves readily in a circle.

"We're have to teleport to the Animarium," Merrick explained to Lila, "we had to raise it up into the sky."

Lila began to question him, but Merrick stopped her, "Later, I promise." Multi-coloured light burst from around the group, and the Rangers shot off the beach, aimed for their safe haven in the clouds.

Princess Shayla had watched the entire battle play out through the sacred pond on the Animarium. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She knew Lila and the Rangers would be arriving any moment. Part of her was excited, ecstatic even but another part was worried.

A young pair of girls are seen running through the fields of Animaria, playing and laughing together, their fates destined together long before they were aware of it. Lila admires her friend, as Princess Shayla interacts easily with the Wild Zords. Princess Shayla sees in Lila an affinity over others and a strong-willed nature. The girls grow to become women and eventually regard each other proudly at their dual coronations. Under their equal rule, Lila and Princess Shayla brought a great tranquility to their kingdom. Both were strong and necessary forces that kept Animaria flourishing with a harmony between humans, animals and nature. 

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