Episode 35 (B) The Master's Herald Pt. 1

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The Rangers had teleported to the Animarium and were running as fast as they could up the river's edge to try and reach the Princess. Up ahead, several figures in black were gathering. It was Jindrax and a group of Putrids, all having gotten onto the Animarium with the help of their new ninja outfits. Clearly, they had been waiting to ambush the Rangers.

"Jindrax!" shouted the Red Ranger.

"You'll never reach the Princess in time," the Duke Org resolutely replied.

"Get out of our way!" he withdrew his crystal saber and lashed out at Jindrax. Assoon as their leaders started fighting, everyone else followed, turning theriver into a battle ground. The Rangers had no choice but to deal with the problem in front of them first. From up on the hills above, Onikage was hidden just out of sight.

"Ah, everything is working perfectly," he said assured as he watched the Rangers fight and Putrids struggle with each other, their precious time slipping with each second.


Energy blasts rapidly shot out of Toxica's staff, the Princess screaming as loud bangs and fire overwhelmed her. Princess Shayla up to this point had been giving Toxica quite the fight. The Duke Org was angered, this wasn't supposed to be a struggle, Onikage had told her it would be easy. As the noise eventually died down and the dust settled, Toxica marched up to claim her prize. She gripped the Princess by the arm extra firmly and hoisted her up.

"Now who's the winner, Miss Goody-Goody?" Toxica laughed in her face. The Princess scowled her response, her eyes darting towards something off to the side. In one quick motion the Princess slid her arm from Toxica's grip and slapped the Duke Org away, making a break towards the sacred pond and the safety of its waters.

"Oh, no you don't!" Toxica just managed to grab the Princess by a sleeve. The Org tried to subdue her, literally wrapping her arms around Princess Shayla's body, and using all her strength to keep her there. Unfortunately for Toxica, the Princess was almost exactly her size, and was struggling more than the Org was able to handle. In a swift, fluid movement, Princess Shayla pulled away from Toxica and pushed her off. The Org stumbled backwards and screamed as she fell entirely into the sacred pond. Her shrieks of pain were terrible to hear, but she had left the Princess with no other choice.

"No evil heart can survive the sacred water," she said disheartened, still out of breath from the struggle the Duke Org had put her through. Toxica was still crying out as she somehow managed to pull herself up and out of the pond. She was soaking wet with the deadly water, it attacking her like waves of pain that was shooting up her body and into her horn.

Her cries suddenly stopped, and Toxica tore away her ninja disguise to reveal her true form, dry and unharmed to the Princesses shock. She openly cackled as she slowly reached for her horn and promptly ripped it clean off, leaving behind only a stump in its place.

"Heheh heh! Onikage was right-" she laughed as she examined her dismembered horn more closely. Princess Shayla couldn't believe it, Toxica had not only survived the sacred water, but she had willingly cut off her horn to do it. She had said the name 'Onikage', was he the assassin Org? How had he convinced her to do this to herself?

"-this is just a horn; I would give anything for my master!"

"Can't you see?? The other Orgs are just using you!" the Princess begged her to listen.

"Be quiet!! I trust them with my life!" Toxica had heard enough back talk and summoned a quick spell that bound Princess Shayla with a thick, black rope. She laughed and grinned as she wound the rope back, knowing she had finally accomplished something Mandilok, even Master Org would've been proud of.

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