Chapter 10 - See You Tomorrow

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I hear a crunch behind me. It's been three days since my last fly and today I'm just really not in the mood. I respond to the crunch knowing its that kid again. Ever since he named me I've been trying to think of a name for him. Can't really think of one. Fishbone maybe? I mean, he technically is. Glad I didn't eat him where would the meat be?

I blinked my eyes after my mid-morning sleep and stood up. I shook slightly before turning my head to face Fishbone. He walked slowly before stopping. My eyes widened. What was that in his hand?! Are those the things they put on horses. A saddle?! Oh thor no! I ducked ready to run. With a pounce I went into a bolt.

"HEY!" I heard him yell behind me as he ran after me, holding the saddle above his head. I looked back finding it funny how he was running at twice the speed just to keep up. I chuckled as I poked my tongue out at him. I know there is no way I'm going to get out of this but might as well have some fun.

I smirked as I looked at the lake. I sat down as I put my head up tall, waiting for the perfect moment. Fishbone was bolting my way trying to get over to me faster. As he reached my I quickly scorched the ground.

"What?..Aahhhh!" He complained as he slid on the burnt soil, dropping the saddle before he slid straight into the lake. To add to it I put my tail ahead, tripping him over before he splashed into the water.

He popped his head up out of the lake as I laughed. I'm really getting this 'smile' thing down pat. Fishbones hair covered his eyes as he parted it so he could see. He looked at me with an unamused face as I continued to laugh.

"It's gonna be that way ha?" He said softly. I ignored him, still laughing. Suddenly a chunk of mud hit my face. What? Oh no he didn't?! "Haha!" Fishbone laughed in response. I turned my head slowly to him with a death glare. "....oh no." He corrected.

I jumped into the lake, nearly landing on him as he ran as fast as he could through the water. I bounced after him as water splashed out from underneath me. He laughed as I slowly caught up.

"Haha, okay, okay I'm sorry. Hahaha!" He laughed as I caught up to him. I picked him up by the back of the shirt. He tried to turn his head to look at me. I gave a slight smirk. I turned my head down before flinging it to the right where Fishbone went flying out of my grip and skidded across the water like a pebble before landing in.

"Hehehehe!" I laughed to myself as he swam back towards me.

----time skip----

He attached the saddle to me as he climbed on. I can't believe I'm letting him do this. Gees Phoenix, I mean Toothless, what has happened to you?

"Okay, just have to pull this and, WOAH!" I couldn't wait for him any longer so I took off. He was pulling some string that he attached to my new and improved left tail fin. "Listen Toothless, if you want this to work we have to start slow. So, just more of the night, not so much the fury." Fishbone begged.

I rolled my eyes as I curved my wings slightly forward making the air brush under them so it kept me flying straight and at the same level. I glided over the lake. Looking back I saw the tail fin keeping me up. Alright, this is it. This is it. No more games. Be determined. I'm going to fly!

I flapped twice to pick up speed before turning my head back forward to keep balanced. Suddenly my tail fin moved. And I lost all balance. What was Fishbone doing up there?!

"AHHHH!" We both screamed as we fell off in different directions. I landed in the lake with a crash before putting my head back above water. A fish squirmed off the top of my head and back into the water. NO FAIR! Now these stupid sea creatures are just rubbing it in. I stared at Fishbone as he starred back at me. We both had unamused looks on our faces. He waddled his way out of the water as I followed behind.

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