Chapter 8 - Forbidden Friendship

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Thor I was starving. Was there no food up in this joint? My stomach grumbled as I sunbathed on a rock. Has no one noticed back at home and wondered where I was? Has no one bothered to even think of me? Where is the loyalty?

I suddenly smelt something. Smelt fishy...literally. I rolled over on my rock and slowly lifted my head to look over it. That kid again are you kidding me? What does he want from me? I realised the smell was coming from him. Maybe he has fish? Or maybe he is secretly a fish? Just a fish with legs. He looks like a fishbone anyway. He must have a fish on him somewhere. Maybe if I pounce on him I can take it off him without his permission.

I slowly crept to the top of the rock. Reminded me of the time Stargaze taught me how to do this. Just as I went to pounce the kid noticed me. Damn it now it won't work. Instead I crawled down it and walked around the boy so I stood ahead of him. He did hold a fish. Yes! It was a big one too. How amazing is this guy? He's the only one who has thought of me. As he went to give it to me I saw a shimmer in his jacket. It was a knife! I growled at him as he jumped back. He took the knife out of his pocket and dropped it on the ground. Ain't good enough buddy. Kick it away. Somehow this guy can hear my thoughts as he did so. I stopped growling and sat up, puzzled. Could he really hear my thoughts? I flicked my ear to ask him ever so slightly if he could hear me. He just held out the fish again in response. Oh good he can't read my mind then.

I looked at the fish and back at him. Was he seriously giving me a fish? We are meant to be arch enemies and here I am about to take it from him. Eh who cares, no ones around. I'm to hungry to care. I crept forward with my mouth open, waiting for him to throw it to me. He just stood there. Come on give it to me. Give it to me... Give it to me already! Give me the damn fish!

"Toothless? I could have sworn you had.." That's it! I pushed my teeth out and grabbed the fish from his hands. He jumped back. "Teeth..." He finished. To much talking not enough feeding. Mmmmm that fish was good. Naawwww this guys so nice to me. Maybe he has more fish. I walked towards him as he backed away. I tried to look in his jacket where he pulled the fish from. If he has more in there I'll capture him and make him my food deliverer. How cool would that be? The first dragon to have someone bring them food...oh wait, the queen already has us do that for her.

"Ah, ah, no, no, no. I-I don't have anymore." He stuttered as I backed him up to a rock. So he doesn't have anymore. Pity. Great, now I feel guilty, he gave me something and I have nothing to give him in return. Well here goes half my fish. You better appreciated this boy. I coughed up half of my amazing fish and it landed in his hands. "Ah..." He looked at it. I sat back, giving him some space. He just looked at me, holding the fish. Well, eat it. If you read my mind before you can read it now. Eat the fish? Come on I gave up half of that for you. He sighed before lifting the fish and taking a bite out of it ending with a nod. He didn't swallow? Come on at least eat one bite. I demonstrated by swallowing myself. Maybe he didn't know how. He rolled his eyes before gulping down the fish. Looked like ha barfed it up at one point but ended up keeping it down. How can he not like fish? Fish is amazing.

He did this weird thing with his mouth. It looked strange. Must be some gesture they do to say thank you. I copied back as I tried my best. Felt weird. He put out his hand as he tried to reach me. He's trying to pat me? So let me get this straight, you give me fish and suddenly I'm your pet? Don't think so buddy. I ain't no yak. I growled at him and leaped away. I spread out my wings but again forgot I couldn't fly. I flopped/glided to the other side of the lake where I landed. I shook my head before blasting the ground to make it warm. This spot was in the shade because 'mr friendly' took over my sun rock so I had to make it warm some how. I laid down on the hot floor as I rested my head. I heard a bird chirp as if flew above me. I lifted my head to look at it.

"Show off!" I yelled in my mind. I looked down where suddenly that kid was there....again! Is there hundreds of him? Does he ever leave? He did that weird thing with his mouth again as he waved. Now he's showing off the the grin thing. I gave him an unamused look as I turned back to sleep, covering him from my view with the only part of my tail I had left. There was an awkward moment of silence before I got suspicious. Was he still there. I lifted my tail to check as he shot up from his spot, turned around and walked away. Great. Fine take this spot to 'mr friendly'. I rolled my eyes as I walked the other direction.

I woke up from my snooze, hanging from one of the trees. I looked around to see that guy STILL here. Got to give him some credit, I definitely couldn't snoop around someone for this long. He sat on the rock ahead as he leaned on his hand. What was he doing? I rolled off my branch and began walking over to him. As you can tell I tend to call things mine here. I've claimed this cove mine considering I won't be leaving any time soon. I looked over him as he fiddled with a stick. Drawing something in the ground. Whatever your drawing fishbone it sucks! Gods...let me show you how it's done. I walked away and grabbed a small tree. I didn't necessarily like this tree in the first place, being to small to hang from. Might as well go. I grabbed it in my mouth as I pulled it out of the ground. I walked back over to they boy as I dragged it in the ground behind me. It left a trail as I walked.

See kid. This is how you draw. A swerve here and a spin here. How about a dot here. Yeah! Did you see that? I turned to look at him as I added a dot. I continued on walking and twirling around. I think I may have hit him with the tree as I walked passed. I put it down as I nodded with my amazing work. See this, this is how you draw. All those amazing lines and dots. Learn from me I seem to be the only one with an artistic mind around here. He stood up as he looked at my masterpiece. He went to walk and stepped on one of my lines. Seriously? How dare he! How dare you destroy my amazing work! I growled at him as he lifted his foot.

Then...oh you will not BELIEVE what he did next. Ungrateful kid, he stepped on it again! I hissed at him yet again so he would get the message. Okay, this part, this part everyone, if there was anyone around me should have dug their faces into the ground. He stepped on it again!!!! I hissed a louder hiss just to get it across to him. He stepped down missing the line. Finally! Okay I like you again. He walked across it as he passed over my amazing artistic lines. He got closer and closer until he stopped just in front of me. I puffed some smoke as he looked up. He looked really scared of me still for some reason. Poor guy.

He held his hand out to me but I hissed. What did he want? He put his hand down and turned his head away. Poor kid. Looks sad. He held out his hand again as it stopped just before my nose. Maybe if I let him pat me just this once he would feel better with whatever he felt bad about. I smelt it before I closed my eyes I pressed my nose against his hand. I heard a sigh before I opened my eyes and left his touch. What am I doing? Am I insane? I can't be friends with him. He's human. He killed the rest of my race. I feel sorry for him though. Just this once. I puffed before I turned and walked away.

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