Chapter 3 - When You Need To Fly

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"Phoenix?" I heard Stargaze call from outside the cave. I didn't even bother lifting my head. I just curled into a tighter ball than I already was. "Phoenix please come out. You can't stay in there forever." She called into the cave. I blew a puff of smoke and turned the other way. I heard her begin walking towards me but I didn't turn to face her. "Phoenix, please." She whispered.

"Ugh. Not like Hailstorms there to carry me across the sky, or help me find food. Dragons say he's not really gone as long as we remember him." I imitated their words with sass as I groaned and rolled to face her.

"You need to stop thinking about him and think about yourself. The queen wants something from you by tomorrow! If you don't deliver then your good as dead too!" She growled at me and nudged me to my feet.

"Not like me being dead or alive makes a difference." I muttered.

"Listen here fishbone!" She got my attention and got right in my face. I began walking backwards slightly as she stepped forward growling. "I promised your brother I would be there to help you and I'm not breaking that! I didn't promise it because I felt sorry for your flightless problem! I promised because I know that you are important! That you have something more in you than the fact you can't fly! I don't know what it is but you have to find that yourself. I believe in you and I'm not letting you quit!" She backed me all the way up to the cave wall where I looked here in they eyes she was so close.

She seemed pretty mad but when she finished her rant she sighed and soaked back letting me have personal space again. Her purple eyes gazed on the ground as she looked sad. She seems to really think I'm important. Like I'll go down in history or something. I guess she's right though. I've always wondered what good I have in me.

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

"Come on then!" She ordered as she began walking out of the cave.

"Where, where are we going?" I asked.

"To get you something to eat and give to the queen. Plus I'm hungry too." She answered and kept walking. I followed behind as we exited the cave.

"Where you going?!" Fireblaze looked down to me and Stargaze. He wasn't that much taller but he liked to make himself seem it.

"Back off Fireblaze." She yelled at him.

"Hey! I'm the leader here and I want to know where you're going!" He yelled back with a puff of smoke.

"You shouldn't be leader! You only care about yourself! I can't wait until another Dragon stands up to you to take your place!" She looked him in they eye. He just frowned and puffed another ring of smoke.

"We are just going to hunt." I answered for her as we continued walking.

"You with her! I don't think so." He jumped in front of Stargaze and pushed her away from me. "Why are you going with him? He can't even fly! He will never fly!"

"Hey!" She complained as he nudged her away more.

"Oi!" I rammed him in the back and he fell over. He looked confused and disgusted that I even had the nerve to touch him. I gave him a death stare as Stargaze walked back beside me as we continued walking away from the cave. That felt good. Fireblaze deserved that. He calls himself a leader?! If he was the leader he should have followed the rule: a night fury distracts. If he did that in the raid maybe Hailstorm could have got away!

"Thanks." Stardust smiled.

"Any time." I answered. We continued down to the shore where she took into flight and hovered above me.

"Ready?" She asked.

"You really don't have to you can" I began but she had already picked me off the ground and began flapping like a bird with a broken wing to the island closest to us. We landed on the ground with a thump as she skidded across the moss and laid there catching her breath. "You're not going to be able to carry me if I get any heavier." I warned.

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