Chapter 4 - Declining Numbers

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I saw the land coming up in the distance. It was getting hard to fly whilst holding Stargaze at the same time. It was already dark which was a problem. We had to try and catch something for the queen while we were there so we stayed extra long collecting a few large fish. So now, I was carrying Stargaze with two fish in her mouth whilst I had two in mine.

The land was coming up quick. I watched Fireblaze walk back and fourth outside the cave. We weren't supposed to be out after dark unless it was for a raid with the others. I flapped my wings as we landed just outside the cave. Gratefully without a hard landing.

"Where were you?!" Fireblaze looked down to us as we laid on the ground. "Wait, were you..." He began but I cut him off.

"Flying?" I stood up tall to try and reach his hight. He puffed smoke in my face before turning his head to look at Stargaze and the fish on the ground.

"What happened to you?" He asked her with disgust as he looked at her wing.

"That's none of you're business." She snorted at him.

"Well, looks like flying boy here will be carrying you around for the mean time then." He looked back to me with a frown.

"Prefer him than you." She puffed smoke from next to me.

"Whatever, just get in the cave! You're late!" He ordered. I helped her to her feet as we carried the fish inside. We sat down at the back corner of the cave. The other furies seemed to be asleep already, in the strangest positions at that. One hanging from the top of the cave, the other leaning over a rock upside down. I began eating one of the fish whilst the other I had next to me for the queen, Stargaze the same.

"I can't wait until another Night Fury takes his place as leader." She looked at him as he laid himself down at the front of the cave.

"Yeah." I sighed.

----time skip to THEEE YEARS later----

"Dive dive dive!" Fireblaze ordered as the dragons began to dive towards the meathead islands.

"No wait! They see us! They'll shoot us down." I told Fireblaze but it was to late.

"I'm the leader here! I give the orders! Not you. Know your place!" He yelled at me before diving himself. I stayed above the clouds. I watched as dragons were hit with nets and fell out of the sky.

"You should be leader." Stargaze came up from behind me. I smiled and rubbed my head against hers.

"Come on." I said as we dived as well. I turned quickly as I shot through a tall building. The structure created a hole that I flew through before it crumbled behind me. Being the distracters was harder now. It was just me, Stargaze and Fireblaze. I don't know where the other Night Furies went. After different raids they just never came back.

I saw a Nadder was tied up. That was my queue. I picked up speed. I heard from below me before I went to fire, "NIGHT FURY! GET DOWN!" I shot at the ground where the Nadder was and it flew away whilst the vikings ducked out of the way.

"Wooohooo! That's what I'm talkin about!" I yelled in victory to myself as I shot back up to the sky. The raid went on until I crashed into someone.

"AHH! Hey! Get out of my way!" Firestorm yelled as I noticed he was in front of me.

"Watch where you're flying guy!" I yelled back. Our tails were stuck around each other as we fell towards the land.

"Get off!" He ordered.

"I'm trying!" I pushed him away from me and we began flying again.

"What's your problem ha?!" He shouted.

"What's your problem?!" I yelled back. I quickly ducked as a spear went over my head. The dragons began flying away. I guess they got everything. Fireblaze puffed smoke before flying past me after the dragons. I followed along behind. We got back to the island where the Nadders put everything in a pile. Dragons began swarming the pile grabbing everything they could to give to the queen. The queen has become more mad then she already was and is ordering more food. Now the rest of us are starving and because of Fireblazes bad leader skills dragons are dying every raid.

"Quick go grab something." Stargaze told me as she nudged me towards the pile that was decreasing rapidly.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I heard Fireblaze roar as the dragons turned to him. He shot into the air to get dragons to listen. All the dragons made a path for him as he walked towards the pile of food. He search threw it for the biggest thing.

"That's it! He only cares about himself!" I growled.

"Phoenix..." Stargaze began but I cut her off.

"No! He is letting innocent dragons die all for his own survival. He could have saved Hailstorm that night by following the rules and distracting like he was supposed to but instead he was a coward and fled!" I stated.

"Phoenix, I never told you this but...Fireblaze let Hailstorm die." Stargaze sighed.

"What?" I questioned, turning to her.

"He made all the dragons stay back. He wouldn't let us help. He wanted to, teach you a lesson about loss or something." She looked to the ground.

"No...he could have saved him." A thousand thoughts crossed my mind. Then something snapped. My eyes narrowed as I turned to where Fireblaze began pulling a dolphin out of the pile knowing it was the largest thing.

"AHHHH!" I yelled as I pounced at him. We rolled along the ground on top of each other as the dragons around us watched.

"Get off me useless!" He shouted, pushing me off him.

"Say it!" Go on! Say it! Say how you let Hailstorm die that night!" I growled as we walked in a circle, facing each other. "Say how you're letting all the dragons die for your own good!" I yelled. "You don't deserve to be leader!" I shouted as I pounced at him again, clawing at his eye. We began ramming at each other, clawing and biting.

I was so angry. I'm taking his spot. That's it! I'm going to be leader! If he can't do it right than is am! We tumbled over each other as I pulled at his ears. He pushed me off where I fell back. I rolled over and got ready to strike again.

"What did your brother ever do anyway? What did any of these dragons do for the queen? You lot will be no where without me!" He announced.

"The other half of us would still be here if it wasn't for you! You're a coward!" I shouted. I pounced at him except this time we collided with each other in the air. I heard the other dragons agreeing with me as they cheered me on.

I was pushed to the ground and was unable to get up. He help me down as I watched a blast prepare in his mouth. I closed my eyes thinking this was my last moment. The loud hiss hit my ears before suddenly I heard a yell.

"AHHHH!" Someone hit Fireblaze in the side as he fell off me. I stood up to see Stargaze clawing at him as he backed himself closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. "A leader, protects his own!" She yelled at him before she spun, whacking him with her tail. He slipped off the edge of the cliff. I heard him yell below. I flew down where on the ledge below he stood. His wing was broken well good. I landed in front of him as he backed himself away.

"You will never be leader!" He yelled at me as he charged. I hit a rock at the edge of the ledge as he pounced at me. He landed on me but without balance from his wings fell right over me and into the ocean far below. I looked down where I saw nothing but the waves crashing. Dragons flew down around me as we all looked at where he fell. My legs collapsed on me as I fell to lay at the edge. I couldn't move anymore. I was in to much pain.

"HEY!" I heard from below me. I tilted my head over the edge where I saw him. He was still alive are you kidding me?! "HELP YOUR LEADER UP YOU FOOLS!" He yelled to the dragons around me. He was hanging onto the edge of the mountain with is claws.

"You're not our leader anymore!" A Deadly Nadder said from beside me.

"AHHHH!" The dragons charged, diving off the edge of the cliff at him. I didn't get to see the rest. From there, everything went black.

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