Chapter 2 - Night Fury Down

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"YEAH!" We all yelled as we dove. Me and Hailstorm stopped before we were in sight for the vikings to see. We were invisible in the night. Merely a shadow blocking out a few stars. Stargaze and the other furies flew up next to us as we observed the town.

I watched as the Gronckles began to attack. Nightmares began lighting themselves on fire, pushing the vikings into the middle of the town as the Nadders quickly began herding sheep and chickens into a net. A few of them went for their food storage, carrying out fish and crops. I saw a few of them get stuck in nets.

The terrors quickly came in, swarming the Vikings throwing the nets. Hundreds of the pesky dragons blinding the people's sights, giving the Nadders a chance to escape. I saw more Nadders being trapped. Probably to be killed if we don't do something.

"That's our queue! Let go!" Fireblaze ordered as we began to fly in different directions. I laid down on Hailstorms back to make us more aerodynamic. We flew up to the clouds where he stopped before diving back down. We went at an incredible speed which would be faster if I wasn't on him. We aimed for one of the catapults.

The noise of the blast I prepared echoed through the air. Luckily I'm not completely useless in this raid, my brother let's me at least shoot. I have to shoot at the right time though or we'll crash, which is good because I always shoot at the right time and I never miss. My one speciality.


"GET DOWN!" I heard the town yell as we shot past. I shot at the rock tower holding up the catapult. There was a purple explosion the second before we shot through. As the blast hit, tearing the rocks away, Hailstorm shot through the hole where the rocks once were before we flew out the other side just as the small island/tower thing collapsed.

We disappeared back into the sky so people couldn't see us. You see, there are three rules we must follow in order for these raids to work well. A Night Fury is to never steal food, never show itself and never, ever, EVER miss a shot. Sounds stupid I know. But it's the thing our species has.

We have six shots before we can't shoot anymore. Unlike a Zippleback that can light it's gas forever Furies have a powerful blast but a short shot limit. That's why if we miss, it's a waist. It's also incredibly embarrassing. The other species would laugh at us if we miss. But that isn't the important reason.

The reason why you must NEVER miss a shot is because if you miss a shot, your not considered a Night Fury. It's bad enough I can't fly when Furies are supposed to be one of the fastest dragons just behind a Skrill, but if I cant shoot either, I'm as good as band. I wouldn't be considered a Night Fury, I'll be considered a waist of space and air. Not a dragon!

All species have different rules. Those are the rules for Night Furies. There is one rule over all the rules though, wether grand dragon or not. YOU MUST NEVER LET A HUMAN LIVE! The humans are considered threats, enemies, killers. They have killed thousands of us so the one rule we must all keep is we never hold back on a kill. If you hold back on a kill, you won't only be considered a coward or no longer a dragon. You will be a disgrace, an outcast never to return, a traitor!

"Hey! HEY! Daydreamer! We got more shooting to do. Remember our job!" Hailstorm got my attention.

"Yes I know, a Night Furies job is to..." He cut me off.

"Distract! Now let's go!" He said as he dived I saw a house coming up. We picked up speed so people wouldn't see us. Our species has never been seen and we intend to keep it that way. We fled over the houses as I prepared a blast.

Suddenly my shot was stopped as something crashed into us. A net was wrapped around the two of us as we went plummeting down. We hit the floor with a crash as Hailstorm cut the net. I rolled off him where I stood on my own four feet. We were still in the shadows but right in the centre of town.

"We can't be seen! GO, GO, GO!" Hailstorm nudged me as we began running between the houses, staying away from torches that could let us be seen.

"NIGHT FURY! Get em!" I heard people yell as they ran after us. I didn't bother looking back I just kept running.

"Go! Don't look back! Just keep running Phoenix!" Hailstorm yelled. He knew I didn't have time to get on his back so I was on my own. I had to use the only limbs that were useful to me and run for my life. The noise behind me died down as I kept running. I quickly ducked behind a house and caught my breath.

"We did it! We made it!" I smiled as I looked up. "H-Hailstorm?" I noticed no one was behind me. Where was my brother? I creeped to the edge of the house and stuck my head out around the corner. I saw into the village where torches burned bright. Houses alit and dragons began to flea.

Suddenly a purple blast landed on the ground, knocking a few vikings over. I watched in the shadows unable to fly away. I looked up to see the blast came from Hailstorm. He flew above, blending into the darkness. He shot again and again. I watched as vikings hid for cover. I wanted to cheer him on but if I made a noise someone could find me.

"No! You stay here!" I heard a low voice of a viking leave the house next to me. A small boy in a extremely large green shirt, hanging over his hands stood at the door watching the large man walk away.

"Yeah useless." A black scruffy haired boy with a helmet covering his eyes ran past with a sword, laughing at him.

"Yeah, you can't even fight!" Two other small vikings followed the scruffy haired one. I couldn't tell the difference between these two. They clashed their heads together in some victory move as they ran right past me. I looked back to the boy who stood at the front door with his head down as he sighed.

Yet again another small viking ran past, her blonde hair stuck out in two side braids under a helmet. The small boy with the big shirt leaned forward watching her run away. He leaned forward so much he fell over. I laughed to myself. Haha, he thinks he has problems. A plasma blast landed in front of him. He screamed and ran inside.

I turned my attention back to the sky where Hailstorm shot his last shot. All the dragons were already flying away from the island. They seemed to have all the food. I could see my brother about to fly down to get me. I stood up ready for the quick run away.

Suddenly he was pulled back. He roared a painful roar. My eyes widened as I felt scared. I didn't know what to do. I can't fly. I can't save him. What do I do? He tried to stay as high in the sky as he could to stay out of sight. I watched as he was tried to be pulled to the ground, a rope wrapped around his tail as several vikings on the other end of the thick string began to pull.

I heard another loud roar as someone lassoed another rope, catching his foot, pulling him down more. I watched unable to do anything. I was in shock! I observed helplessly, scared of what was happening. Where were the other night furies? They were supposed to distract the vikings so Hailstorm had a chance to escape! My brother popped his back spikes into two as he roared again before flying as hard as he can to the sky.

"Woah!" Vikings yelled as they began to be dragged across the ground. I watched as they were dragged past me, still not seeing me in the shadows. They reached the edge of the cliff. Any further and they would fall into the sea and hit the sharp rocks below.

'Come on Hailstorm, come on Hailstorm.' I repeated in my head waiting for him to drag the Vikings just a bit further so they would fall into the sea and let him be free. Suddenly a large viking stepped forward. Black beard, sticking out in all directions unsure of which way to grow.

He held something in his hand as in his other he pulled back a string or something. I wondered what he was doing. Suddenly he let go of the weapon with one hand and a arrow made of burning iron shot through the sky. I began to breath heavily as I watched the arrow.

"RROOOAAAARRR!" I heard a loud scream as I looked over to Hailstorm, barely able to see him in the night. The arrow impaled him right in front of me. I went to scream but couldn't find my voice. I stopped breathing as I watched the Vikings let go of the ropes. The black figure hidden in the night fell out of the sky. My eyes widened as he fell. He went over the edge of the cliff and I didn't see him again.

The Vikings began to cheer as they walked away. I ran to the edge of the cliff once the area was filled with darkness again. I looked down to see nothing but a dark, angry sea. I began to feel sick. Something tucked my wings by their side as I was picked up. After my mind could catch up as to what was going on I found myself in the claws of Stardust. She began flying away as she carried me below her, barely able to lift me as she struggled to fly.

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