Chapter 7 - Downed Dragon

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I waited. And waited. For a sound, a sign, something. Nothing. I tried getting out of the net. It was no use. Nothing I could have done would have let me escape. I laid in that same spot for what felt like days even though it was only hours. I began to loose hope. What was the point? Not like anyone cares, I'm the last Night Fury.

I watched as birds flew past. The wind lifting them higher and higher. Each feather moving ever so slightly in the wind. I felt even more depressed just watching them. Knowing I will never fly again. The state I'm at I probably don't even have a chance this time. Last time I couldn't fly but at least I knew I could if I really wanted to. Now? Now there is no hope at all. I'm no longer a dragon.

Dragons can fly. Dragons reach great speeds. Making birds and moths look weak. Wings that stretch out controlling the wind. Almost defying gravity as they fly above the clouds. That's what dragons are. Now I'm just a Lizard its wings. Never to see the clouds float past me. Feel the wind in my face and brush past my ears. Now I'm just a useless reptile. Oh the gods hate me.

"Oh the gods hate me. Some people loose a knife or a fork. No, not me, I manage to loose an ENTIRE DRAGON!... OWWW!!!" I heard getting closer to me. What the? Probably one of those stupid Vikings that shot me down. Might as well let them find me now. Put me out of my misery. No more night furies. Should just be the way it is. Let the queen rule all and eventually just eat us all. Just the way of life right?

I hard a few pebble move as something slid down the 'slide' I made when I crashed. I expedited someone to run out from behind the rock with a battle axe or something to quickly chop my head off.

I rolled my eyes not even bothering to care anymore. Just wanting it over with. I rested my head on the ground and thought about the others. Hailstorm and Stargaze. Oh Stargaze. I can't believe I let it happen. How dare i at least by the time this idiot is done with me I can see the again.

"I-I did it? Oh this fixes everything! YES! I have brought down this might beast!...AH!" This kid was just annoying me now so I pushed him off me. I slowly opened my eyes expecting to already be dead but instead stood that kid in front of me. Oh great. Of all the Vikings to kill me I get stuck with the one with the dagger giving me a painful death. Thank you thor....ugh.

"I'm-im gonna kill you dragon. I'm, im gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father." Okay what is this kid doing. He's not really the best with dramatic speeches is he? "I'm a viking. IM A VIKING!" He yelled raising the dagger. Oh THOR. He wasn't kidding. Okay I'm kind of scared now. Please don't kill me I take it back man. That daggers gonna make it slow and painful at least get yourself a sword or something.

I looked at him and he looked at me. Oh gods please don't kill me I take it back. No, no, no, no. I saw a twinkle in his eyes as he looked weak with the dagger. He looked as scared as I was. What was wrong with this kid he was freakin out. I saw the reflection of myself in his eyes. I'm starting to like this kid. I don't know why. Ugh. I won't freak him out. Just get it over with.

I gave up as I put my head back on the floor. I heard I sigh. Then nothing. An awkward moment of silence followed as I just laid there. Suddenly I heard I cutting noise. I looked down to realise he was cutting the ropes I was in. So let me get this strait! You shoot me down, you leave me hear, so take away my flight, you make me think you were going to kill me and NOW your releasing me? What kind of a Viking are you?!

My legs were untied and next my wings. The second I could I leaped. I held him down against the rock as I stood above. My claws waiting to dig into his shoulders. Now its your turn.

I prepared a blast. Give him what the Vikings gave to the other night furies. Kill him right there and then was my plan. Just before I went to shot he shut his eyes tight. I have no idea what happened to me that moment but I stopped.

I couldn't do it. The one rule of the dragons is to never, ever, EVER let a human live, but I couldn't kill him. I'm sure no one else will know. They probably think I'm dead already. Ugh come on Phoenix just kill him. His kind killed all of you. Give him what he deserves. I can't. I just can't.

"GGRRRAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!!" I roared a loud, vicious roar in his face before quickly running away. I can't believe I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. We can count it as even he let me live I'll let him live. That's it.

I quickly leaped off the edge of a cliff and flapped my wings. It can't really be true right? I have to still be able I hit a bolder coming my way before bouncing off it and hitting another. I hit yet ANOTHER tree for the dray before rolling off the edge off cliff and landing on the ground. That hurt.

I shook my head to remove the dizziness. Before standing up. Oh no.... NO! I looked around me. Huge stone walls inclosing me like I was in a giant dish. Each one steep and without flight there's no way I'm going to get out of here. There has to be someway out. There is always a way out. I just need to look around. There has to be some way out of here.

I walked all night repeatedly around the cove. A lake laid in the middle. Few fish actually lived in it. I don't get it. These have to be the fastest fish I have ever seen. I tried my swimming technic but I nearly drowned. I can't swim without my tail either. This sucks. So now I'm on to my third and final option. Try to fly out. I stood on one of the rocks and pounced into the air before I could see the land above coming my way. I flew the best I could and I was nearly there. Yes, YES! I hit the ground with a bang.

Why me? Why me of all the dragons? I looked at the wall beside me. Right. This time for sure. I ran as fast as I could before leaping at the wall. I began clawing at the rocks trying to climb. The rocks kept slipping until I fell. I spread out my wings and did the best I could to glide into the land. I skidded across it.

I wasn't giving up. Not now. I leaped and tried to fly up again only to fail and fall back down. AHHHH! Why me?! I longed for so long to fly. It was a dream come true. Only to be taken away from me again like everything else. Ahhhhh!

*BOOM* I shot a plasma blast in front of me before snorting out of anger. I tried one last time to fail again landing next to the lake. I saw a fish swimming near the edge. Yes! This was my chance! I quickly snatched the fish out of the water....never mind I missed. Like I said before, fastest fish ever. I heard a noise ahead of me. I turned around to see that kid sitting on one f the rocks high up out of my reach.

I just stared at him for a moment. What is he doing here? Is he back to kill me? He didn't seem dangerous he just sat there. He tilted his head to one side as if wondering something. I copied the action wondering what he was doing since there was no point trying to get up to him I've tried everything. I'm a downed dragon. Practically a dead dragon.

Okay I'm sorry I haven't updated my other books in a while but I could only update this one today because I had time. Why this book you ask? Well I was at the hair dressers (yes. I got the bottom of my hair dyed orange) and while waiting for the 5 hours I was there for I actually got some time (other than my typical gossiping with the hair dresser) to write a chapter. I only had my phone and didn't have wifi so I couldn't get on wattpad to check on my recent chapters to remind myself what I wrote. I could only remember the last chapter in this book so I could only really carry on writing this book other than the others. Long story short here's the chapter hope you enjoyed.

Peace out :3

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