Chapter 17 - Separate Paths

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No help, no rescue. Just standing there. Standing there and doing nothing. Not even a struggle to get to me. Nothing. Just complete betrayal. His kindness to dragons might be one thing but deep inside he's just a coward. There he stands. Just watching them bind me to this bored and mussel my mouth. Not even making a step to come say goodbye or anything.

They pulled at the ropes binding me closer to the wood. Soon a wood ring was closed around my neck stopping me from moving at all. I struggled, pulling at everything but it was no use. I was lifted into the air before placed onto a ship, not very gently mind you.

"Set sail! We head for Helheims Gate!" I heard the large man say before looking up to the coward that just watch me back. He pulled himself onto the boat before looking into my eyes. "Lead us home, you devil." And with that not another word was said. Soon we set sail. Berk slowly disappearing into the distance. Leaving the coward behind with it, Hiccup.

I saw the mist coming my way. That wasn't good. We were heading for the badlands. Dragon badlands. No matter how calm the sea was or how still the air was, I was still scared, I now knew their plan. They we making me lead them to the queen. Do they not realise what they are doing?! Is Hiccup that much of a coward. Even more than I thought? He doesn't even have the courage to make the trip, just send me, the poor flightless dragon to face the red death and be eaten alive, killing off the entire night fury species? She's called the red death for a reason! One, she sees red. I mean, when is she not angry? And she might as well be walking death itself. I might be lightning and death itself but at least I have lightning in there and not just death.

We entered into the badlands. He mist surrounding us as sharp rocks came our way. We crashed into one, scratching the side.

"Oh, I was wondering where that went." The moustache guy smiled rhetorically. I looked up to see an old ship impaled on top of one of the pointed rocks. That would be the work from the queen.

"Phoenix." I heard gently. I pricked my ears up, my eyes wide open. "Phoenix." I heard again. Thats Stargaze! I looked around but saw nothing. I heard her voice over and over. I turned my head as the ship turned with me. Maybe she's calling me? Maybe she's still alive?! The ship continued turning, back and forth around different pillars. Suddenly we stopped as we hit land. Her voice stopped. It disappeared. I rose my head, banging the chains and wood to try and get out of the harness but it was no use. I growled at the tall man who walked passed me and jumped off the ship.

Silence, complete and utter silence. Not even a whisp of wind. I looked around until I saw a tail. One of the nightmares. No! She gave it away! Teardrop, she gave it away! She's just let everyone know this is our place!

"We're here." The tall Viking smiled. No! Damn it Teardrop! Why?! "Everyone keep quiet. Prepare the ground!" The man ordered as the other ships pulled up beside us. Before I knew it, they were stabbing sharp sticks into the ground and covering the area. I kept trying to move but it was no use. "As soon as we crack this mountain open, all hell is gonna break loose." The man began drawing on the ground.

"In my undies, good thing I brought extras." The moustache guy added sarcastically.

"However this ends. It ends today!" The large man yelled before the catapults fired at the wall. No! Are they crazy! That entrance has been sealed up for generations. Ever since the queen set foot in this mountain she closed the entrance. With one final bash of a bolder the wall cracked open. This wasn't good. If the queen finds out I led all of them here...I don't even want to know what she would do!

Another wave of silence surrounded the area. With a shrug from the leader a fire ball shot into the entrance that was previously cracked open. I saw all the dragons against the walls. One scream did it and they all flew. They knew what was happening. They rushed out of the mountain. I could hear the queens complaints from inside as she awoke from her slumber. Not even a moment later and they were all gone.

They left me. No one helped me out? I've been betrayed yet again. There's nothing left for me. No Night furies. No flight. No dragons. No nest. No brother. No mate. No Hiccup. I have nothing left. I'm just a wondering lizard. I sighed a great sigh as I laid down, resting my head on the wood. I heard a loud screech, almost shaking the ship I was on. That was the queen. I didn't even care anymore though. I've got nothing to loose.

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