Chapter 9 - First Flight

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Well, this is boring. Kid gives me a pat and leaves not to come back. What am I? A petting zoo?! I pace back and forth wobbling my head side to side as my ears wobbled with it. Just a boredom thing I guess. What else am I meant to do. All I can really do is wait in the place to die. Can't believe the other dragons haven't come looking for me yet. I heard a Gronckle roar from over the hill but that's probably those vikings killing practice dragons. How dare they, cage us, use us as a sport. Do we look like yaks?! Starting to think I might be a yak. Prefer to be a chicken, more chance getting out of here as a chicken than a Night Fury. Mmmmm chicken. I could eat some chicken right now. Ugh so hungry! Why am I always talking to myself?! You see, this is what happens. First sign I'm going mad. Wait... I've always talked to myself. Well that's just great! Now I know I really am crazy! Look, now I'm talking to an imaginary audience. Way to go Phoenix.

"Toothless?" I suddenly heard from behind me. Excuse me?! Toothless who?! Is he talking to me? I turn around where I see him holding something with a bag on his back. It spelt fishy. YES! Oh, if that is filled with fish I'm never ignoring him again! "Hey, Toothless. I-I brought breakfast. I hope-hope you're hungry." He stuttered through breaths as he put the basket down and kicked it over. A pile of fish spread out of the bucket and landed on the ground. Oh, yes! I made my way over to it, smelling the amazing smell when I smelt something different. It smelt almost evil. The salty smell made me almost dizzy. What is he doing? Poisoning me or something?! What is that dreadful smell. "Okay, that's disgusting." He stated as he began walking away. You're telling me! What smells so bad?!

"Dude, what is that stench." I asked him but I think he just heard it as a growl.

"Uh, we've got some salmon. Some nice Icelandic cod. And a whole smoked eel!" He told me. Say what?

"Okay buddy, which one of those is the thing that's smelling up my fish?" I growled at him. He gave me a questioning look and walked over to my fish and picked up this long, striped, evil thing that smelt of Typhoomerang droppings. I haven't smelt Typhoomerang poo but if I was to guess? This eel would be pretty close. The smell whiffed up my nose and I felt my eyes begin to water. My brain went fuzzy and my nose stung. I opened my wings ready to fling it away. I roared not wanting the kid to bring it any closer to me.

"No! No, no. It's okay!" He chucked the vial creature in the lake. Thank thor for that. "Yeah, I don't really like eel much either." He wiped his hand on his shirt. Yeah, you're telling me kid, I don't know anyone who would want to eat one of those. I snorted at him and walked back over to the basket. I had one quick glance through to make sure there weren't anymore eels. Didn't seem to be any. I shrugged it off. I'm to hungry to care. I took one of the fish and chucked it in the air before catching it and swallowing it whole. Mmmmm yum. "Okay, that's it. That's it. Just stick to the good stuff and don't mind me. I'll just be back here. Minding my own business." He muttered. Stop talking kid, trying to eat.

Man, this fish is so good. I hope he has more where that came from. He thinks a basket is enough to feed me? Pft. I don't know what he was doing standing behind me but I didn't care. To busy eating. I chucked another fish in the air, catching it as it fell into my mouth and I swallowed it.

"It's okay." I heard him say behind me. What is he talking about. "Ahhh!" He complained just as I went to go get the last fish, sitting in the back of the basket. I ate the fish as I looked around for more. No more? What? I put my head back in the basket just to check. Suddenly I felt something on my tail. I lifted my head but the basket stuck to me. I shook it off as it landed at my feet. I felt something tighten around the end of my tail. What was he doing back there? I shook my tail slightly as I felt it. My tail! It's back! My jaw dropped as I was completely confused as to how my tail was back. I spread my wings so ready to take off. I looked at the sky above, this was it! "There, it's not to bad, it works." I heard him mutter but I'm not listening to him. I flapped my wings as I took off from the ground, accidentally hitting the basket on the way as it fell into the lake and sunk to the bottom. "Woah!! No, no, no!" I heard the kid say from behind me. He was still on me are you kidding?! No way! Get off.

"Let go!" I told him but again I don't thing he heard anything. Suddenly I began falling. Not good, not good! I thought I had my tail back! Why can't I control it?! Woah!!! Suddenly I stopped up from the ground and into the sky.

"Oh! It-it's working!!!" I heard the kid cheer behind me as I dove. He needed to get off! I hovered above the lake. I looked back to make sure he would fall into the water. I shook him off as I heard a splash. He must have fell in. I smiled as I went to fly up again. Suddenly my tail stopped working again? I roared in complained as I crashed into the lake. What just happened? "YEAH!" The boy yelled as he jumped in the water with glee. My eyes widened as I turned and lifet my tail out of the water. My 'grown back' tail wing was a brown colour and....not real. Oh. I felt kind of sad now.

Then I realised. That kid made me fly! He made me touch the sky again! Oh Thor! I can't believe it! He tried to help me fly! I love him already! I bounded through the water, splashing everywhere as I landed in him. I saw a few bubbles as the kid swam back to the top. He coughed before rubbing me on the head. I gave him a big lick from top to bottom.

"Aw, ew, ew! Toothless." He complained sarcastically as he wiped it off him. I laughed to myself. Toothless? He's named me? My name is now Toothless? I can't believe it. I'm officially his friend, or pet I should say but I don't care because he made me fly! But Toothless? Come on. Could you not have thought of anything else? Well, guess the name is stuck now. Won't be known as Phoenix anymore. Now, what an upgrade.

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