Chapter 6 - The Last Night Fury

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As I flew back slowly, I thought about how all the night furies in my life are gone. My brothers dead. My, was going to be mate is dead. Fireblaze is dead and the others probably are too. The gods hate me. That's when something came into mind. The other night furies must still be back at the breeding island. My mum and dad and the rest of the dragons before we left for dragon island. A slight beam of hope stayed in my heart as I turned and began flying another direction.

I flew and flew for what seemed like hours until land came into sight. Yes! I picked up speed as it came closer and closer. Finally. Hopefully my family is still here. The land got close. I closed my eyes so that I would surprise myself when I get there. I felt like I had flown enough so I got ready. I opened my eyes and looked down.

"NO! No,no." I breathed heavily as I opened and shut my eyes multiple times trying to see if my vision was deceiving me. "Oh no." I felt like dying right there and then. I glided slowly over what once was my home. Now it was black. There was ash covering the floor and the trees were just dead sticks if they hadn't had fallen over already. The land was layered with different islands. What used to be a maple wonderland was now hundreds of tall scattered islands with of ash and rock. The water at the base of each island no longer crystal clear and sparkling. The orange and yellow leaves that fell from the trees now laying colourless in ash at the bottom of the island.

I glided over the land just looking down. The disaster that must have happened here. Not like any dragons could help. Breathing fire on fire wouldn't do much. I looked around. Wasn't a single dragon near. I saw a few bodies here and there. I turned my head away so I would have to look. Everything was destroyed. I hovered in the air. The sun rising behind me as I looked down. There were no night furies. They must have died in the fire. I'm the last one....

I'm the last night fury. This can't be right. I heard night furies were only in this archeology but I can't be the last. Can I. No this can't be happening. I sighed as I turned around. I didn't bother looking back I had seen enough. My eyes narrowed as anger rose in me again. I'm the last one. The last night fury. I'm the last of the species. What am I to do?

----2 Years Later----

Berk. The one place I hate the most. We hovered above. The clouds disappeared not leaving us much hidden cover. Everyone turned to me. They all knew I was the last. I didn't have a purpose anymore being the last night fury. The only thing I was good for was to get food for the queen. I stayed as leader as it's the only thing I was really good for. I've gone exploring a lot. Trying to see if there are possible, at all, any night furies but I've found nothing. They dragons seem to be fine when I'm gone they know what they are doing.

"Phoenix. You ready?" One of the Nightmares asked.

"Everyone dive. I'll catch up." I ordered. They all looked at each other with a nod before they dived. I watched from above as a Nadder quickly grabbed a sheep, the terrors hid on the top of the roves. That's when the war began. A nightmare flew into the village. I watched one of the house doors open as that same small boy went to leave. The nightmare flying past fired. His eyes widened as he quickly shut the door to hide behind it.

Dragons quickly swooped in. Covering the skies like smoke as they destroyed everything. The nadders grabbed all the livestock. It was close to winter so they had more food than usual. I got closer but still out of the light range so I would camouflage in the night sky.

"Any night furies?" I heard a rather large viking ask

"None so far." The one next to him replied. Oh yeah? I'll show you. I flew up higher as the torches were lit. I hate the vikings here. They have killed thousands of us and I'm not withstanding it any longer. I looked around until I saw it. The catapult that they were firing. It took me a while to find it but there it was. I growled to myself at I shut up high. I remember stargaze doing this. I stopped once I reached as high as I could go where I turned and dove down. I prepared a blast as I got closer. Just before I fired I heard people yell.



I blasted the rocks away from the middle of it before flying through before it collapsed. I let the wind carry me back up where I watched from above. The catapult collapsed as vikings jumped off. I hovered in the air for a while. Just gliding above watching the show below. I watched as houses caught fire and sparks from Zipplebacks flew like flies before lighting the other heads gas. Gronckles began tearing things out of the ground as the Nadders piled livestock up in nets.

I saw vikings cover a few nadders in a net as they pulled their heads to the ground. That was my queue I picked up speed as I shot through something in my way. I flew through it to get over to the nadders but just as the tower like structure I shot through crumbled behind me something hit me. I tumbled in the air as I noticed I was wrapped in a net. Not being able to slow down I flew through the sky like an arrow. I saw forest coming my way. I tried to get out of the net but it was no use.

"GGRRAOOOAAWWW!" I yelled as I hit the trees. I hit them one by one falling onto the next. I suddenly hit the base of one where I broke it. I heard the base of it snap as it fell. I rolled next to it still not slowing down where I rolled across the ground. Dirt flew past me as I tore the land apart. I felt something suddenly. "GGRRAAAAAAAOW!" I screamed a loud scream. My tail began to hurt an insanely strong pain as I tumbled down a hill. I reached the bottom where I rolled past a rock. I finally stopped moving where I laid on the ground.

I had the energy and effort to lift my head. I looked down to my tail where my left tail with was ripped off. No, no, no, no, no. This cannot be happening right now. It must have got stuck on that tree as I rolled past it. My tail was bleeding slightly and only the very edge closest to my tail was left. It was torn and it hurt. This cannot be happening right now. I need it to fly. No, no, no, no! No! I only just got to fly I can't loose flight again now! Please no! I felt the world go dizzy as my head hit the ground and all went black.

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