Chapter 14 - Dragon Island

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"Woah! Toothless what's happening? Woah bud what it is it?" I ignored Hiccup as I dove into the fog. I'm sorry Hiccup but I have to do this. A monstrous nightmare flew passed me.

"Phoenix?" He looked at me before continuing flying.

"Oh Thor it's phoenix!" Another dragon passed me.

"He's still alive!" Others chatted. Everyone stopped as we got closer to the island.

"Get down!" Hiccup and Astrid ducked down trying not to be seen.

"EVERYONE READY TO DIVE!" The chief Nadder yelled out before we all dove, getting closer to the ocean. We turned several corners until we reached the island. I flew in as Hiccuo and Astrid screamed. They need to shut up or they will end up being the food I turn in. We flew over the queen who was of course hidden under the smoke and terrible smell of rotting flesh. I looked down making sure she wouldn't notice I didn't bring anything. Luckily I got threw with the clear as I landed on the night fury platform. I crooned knowing I was the only night fury going to land here.

"Well it's satisfying to know all of our food has been dumped down a hole." Hiccup complained. I don't think he understands what is at the bottom of this hole.

"They're not eating any of it." Astrid stated. Gees what do they think dragons raid for? I saw Babblebort hover in late as usual. He's like the dumbest gronckle around. Does he want to be eaten?! He didn't bring anything! He coughed up a small fish before scratching himself. Before he could even fly away the queen grabbed him! Swallowing him in one bite! Oh she's angry today. She spotted me hiding.

"You! You haven't brought anything for weeks 'leader'! The last night fury. You will be the last once I'm done with you!" She said her last words as she snapped at me. I pounced out of the way just in time as all the dragons scattered out of the cave. "GET BACK HERE!" She ordered me but instead grabbed the zippleback behind me accidentally.


"No it totally makes sense. It's like a giant bee hive. They're the workers and that's their queen. It controls them." Astrid finally understood. Im starting to like her now she is the only one who's actually understanding things in this place. "Let's find your dad!" She ordered hiccup but he jumped off me to stop her.

"No no! They'll kill toothless! We have to think this through, carefully." Damn right they'll kill me you better think it through.

Hiccup, we just discovered the dragons nest. The thing we've been after since vikings first sailed here! And you want to keep it a secret? To protect you pet dragon are you serious?!" Astrid yelled. Pet? Pet? I ain't no pet!

"Yes." He answered straight up. Well at least someone in this place has their head on right.

"Okay, so what do we do?"

"Just give me until tomorrow, I'll figure something out." He told her. I stopped listening as I went to drink from the lake. "OW!"

"That's for scaring me." Astrid muttered. I looked up to realise he was just punched in the arm. He shrugged at me. Yeah, serves him right! Suddenly she kissed him on the cheek.

"And that's for, everything else." She finished as she ran away. Oh wow, original Astrid, original. Hiccup just melted in on himself as I stood next to him.

"Ugh, what are you looking at?" He nudged me.

"Grrr." I responded.

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