Chapter 18 - The Red Death

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"Catapults!" One of them called. They are all idiots, they think a few pebbles will take her down? Suddenly I felt a blast of heat before the ship caught on fire. No! No, no! This wasn't good. I had to get out of here. I started pulling on the ropes, tugging at the chains. My nails making marks in the wood base as I tried to push myself off it. Suddenly I heard a loud blast before there was a moment of silence. A gasp echoed over the island making me turn my head to the sky.

There he was. There they were. He, he didn't abandon me? He came back! He did it! I let out a roar as a cheer as he swooped over on Crystal. Astrid behind him. Then the others flew passed too. Look! It was that scruffy haired boy from years ago! The one with the helmet that covers his eyes. Now he rode Thorn. Just behind was the two look a likes. Their blonde hair over their shoulders. I saw them years ago too. NOW I KNOW! Astrid! She was the one Hiccup was staring at! Now it all ties together! Hiccup, the small boy with the sleeves that were way to long for his arms. I saw all of them years ago!

"Go help the others!" Hiccup yelled as he landed in front of me. He came. He actually came to save me. I felt the heat of the flames around me begin to burn. "Okay hold on buddy, hold on!" He popped one of the chains from the base. I twisted my head back and forth trying to help.

"Grrrrraaaw!" I tried to tell him to get my head piece off. He grabbed the side of it and started pulling.

"Ah! For the love of Thor! Come on!" He yelled to himself as he pulled another one of the bolts away. "Don't worry toothless, I'll get you out of this- AHHH!" Suddenly the queen swung her tail as it tore the ship in half. I slid into the water as I felt the sudden cold around me. I yelled but it was no use. I just lost more air. I hit the bottom as sand spread out. Hiccup swam towards me and began pulling at the chains but it didn't do anything. They weren't budging. I walked my head against the bars repeatedly trying to break the neck lock.

Hiccup didn't look so good. Soon he stopped moving. My eyes widened at the sight that was suddenly pulled away. Another Viking dragged I back to the surface. I yelled for help just resulting in more air lost. My eyes began to feel heavy. Everything was getting dark. That was until I saw him. The same Viking appeared in front of me. He looked at me and my eyes widened at him. He was the same one I tried to kill earlier. He grabbed the neck lock and broke it off. The second I was free I fled. I grabbed the Viking by the arms and swam up. Leaping out of the water I put the man down and landed in front of Hiccup who's hair was now covering his eyes.

"Raaaw!" I called him over.

"You got it, bud!" I smiled at me, running over and jumping onto the saddle. While he attached himself to the large Viking grabbed his arm.

"Hiccup. I'm sorry...for everything." He told him.

"Yeah me to." Hiccup confessed.

"You don't have to go up there."

"We're Vikings, it's an occupational hazard." Hiccup smiled.

"I'm proud, to call you my son." THATS IT!!!! That's who the Viking is! It's his dad?! Now everything joins together.

"Thanks dad." Hiccup responded. A smile spread across my face before I spread out my wings and with a single swoosh up we went. "Vertical climb toothless!" Hiccup told me as I flew up quickly, heading straight towards the clouds. I looked around to see Astrid and Crystal struggling to fly away. "It's going to eat them! Toothless dive!" Hiccup ordered as I turned with a spin and shot straight towards the two dragons and Astrid. With a deep inhale I let out a blast before turning away. I could feel the wind hit against my wings like never before. I've never flown this fast in my life. Astrid started to fall as well as crystal. Luckily she was able to fly back to safety. I halted against the wind. Turning with a swish towards Astrid and grabbing her by the ankle. "Did you get her?" Hiccup worried. I looked down to make sure. She swayed below me, smiling.

"Grraww." I smiled back. Flipping her up the right way, I put her down before Hiccup turned my to fly back up.

"That thing has wings? Okay! Let's see if it can use them!" He pulled back on the saddle and turned my tail fin into a halt. I pushed against the air making a sudden turn before diving. The clouds passed me quick as I shot through them. With a deep breath I blasted the queen with all I had before turning to get a head start of getting away. "Do you think that did it?" Hiccup looks at me. She spread her wings for the first time in a century, making her way into the air and after me. "Well, he can fly." It's a she Hiccup but I do agree, who can tell the difference hehe...

My tail turned and twisted but I knew where we were going. We fled in and out of the sea stacks.

"Phoenix! That's it, you nightfury, this will be the day a nightfury ever lived!" She roared behind me as she broke one of the sea stacks.

"Okay Toothless, time to disappear." Hiccup twisted his foot as I ascended upward. "Come on bud!" The queen nearly took a bite out of me but luckily she missed by an inch. We disappeared into the clouds. The dark must surrounding us. I fled to the left out of the way of the queen.

"Phoenix! I'll find you!" She yelled at me.

"Alright hiccup, let's put on a show!" I growled to my rider as I dove. Firing right at the queens wings. Gliding off fast as I could before turning again with another blast. Back and fourth I blasted five blasts. The queen let out a long line of fire.

"Watch out!" Hiccup warned but it was to late. My tail began to burn. "Okay times up. Let's see if this works." I turned to fly right in front of her face. She snapped almost taking a bite out do me again. I dove. Wind I my face. I could feel her gaining on me, her weight made her fall faster. " come on that's the best you can do?!" Hiccup mocked her.

"Traitor!" The queen yelled back at me. I felt my flight control beginning to weaken. I was failing to fly I a straight line and was wobbling back and forth.

"Stay with be buddy, we're good, just a little bit longer!" Hiccup patted me as we continued diving. I heard the queen inhale. She was about to blast. I closed my eyes ready for impact. "Hold, toothless." Hiccup made me wait. Wait for what? "NOW!" He tossed all is weight to the right, spinning me around as I blasted my last fire blast right into the queens mouth. She burned as she screamed. I tried to turn around to fly away but was still failing to do so. Hiccup twisted us up the right way before I took off as the queen landed face first into the ground. The blast it ignited with the dragon stones on the ground and I was now flying away from a huge explosion. I was twisting in and out from the queens back spikes as her tail began to bend. All my tail went useless as it bent to the right, causing me to fail flying in any direction. The queens tail came down fast.

"No! NO!" Hiccup yelled. I caught as much as I could to turn but I couldn't. We hit as Hiccup went flying off me. No! He was unconscious and falling towards the flames. He saved me from the fire, than I save him too! I twisted and turned until I dove down towards him. The air heated around me until we almost hit the melting flames. I stretched out my claws and tried to grab hiccup. I still couldn't. I didn't want to do this but it had to be done. I stretched out my neck, teeth out. I grabbed him by the foot, his boot straight in my mouth. He started slipping so I bit harder. I knew this wouldn't result well. Especially with Viking medicine, if something's injured they don't heal if, they just chop it off. I flipped him under me as I wrapped my wings around him before falling into the fire. The heat surrounded us before a felt a hard hit against my back. We fell down whatever we were falling down before we skidded across the dragon stone, almost burying myself in it. Everything hurt and I felt something hot and wet against my chest. I opened my wing a bit to notice blood, and it wasn't mine. Hiccup was still there, unconscious. Well, most of him...

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