Chapter 1 - Useless Reptile

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Quick thing, this whole story is in Toothless's POV. I've changed his name to Phoenix at the beginning because he would have had a different name before he met Hiccup. Okay, that's all read on :)

That, is Berk! It's twelve days North of something and a few degrees south of another place I've never been. It's located solemnly on the meridian of amazing! The vikings village, in words? No longer going to be sturdy! It's been there for seven generations but every single building is new. I'm told they have fishing, hunting and a charming view of the sunsets. So their only problem, is me! Because while other places have Stormcutters or Timberjacks, I'm a...

"Night Fury! Yeah, come on, come on, let's go, let's go!" I jumped around. I'm ten years old now, in 'dragon world' that's technically considered mature enough to start looking after yourself, you find a mate, you hunt on your own, that kind of thing.

"No! You stay here!" Fireblaze walked past me, looking down to me. He's my age too, I seem to just be smaller than everyone else.

"Yeah useless!" Dirtgrinder added. He puffed smoke in my face as he continued walking to the edge of the cliff.

"Yeah, you can't even fly!" Wavecrash lifted one of my wings with her tail, mocking me. I sighed. Yeah, there's one more thing you need to know about me...I can't fly. There's nothing wrong with me, I've got all my wings, I just can't fly. I don't know why, I just can't get off the ground. I've tried my whole life but my brothers always had to save me.

Everyone lined up at the edge of the cliff. We were on death island. Great name...I know. Let me explain just how dragon life works. Let's start from the beginning, the very beginning.

When you hatch you're cared for by your parents until you know how to fly. Once you know how to fly you live on your own, I know right, caring families. When you turn five you have to fly to death island, where I am now, to do your fair share of serving the red death, our queen. Some serve their species queen some even get to serve the king Bewilderbeast, I heard he actually cares unlike our queen.

You see, if your species doesn't have a leader you serve a red death. Giant dragons that are greedier than Gronckles. I don't even know why we listen to them but I've heard they do bad things if you don't obey orders. The one in this part of the world has us constantly on the job, food, food and more food. She constantly wants food, and if we don't bring enough, we die.

She hates me the most. She didn't want me on the island because I can't fly, therefore I can't get food. Luckily I was able to prove to her I can get food so she let me stay here. Even though, my brother actually got the food for me. I'm lucky I get to stay here, because if you don't have somewhere to live, your an outcast, food to the bigger dragons of the world. Most likely dead the second you leave.

This place sucks, there's no food no water, just rock and dirt...and a very vicious queen waiting for food on the inside. Back to the point where I can't fly, your probably wondering why I am here if I can't fly. Well, I'm the only dragon that can't fly. Most dragons can fly right off the bat but I've been stuck for ten years on the ground! My parents gave up and the only one that ever stuck by me was my brother, Hailstorm. He's seven years older than me but at least someone looks after me. He is basically my wings, he flies me places, gets food and water, all that stuff. He's the only one that hasn't given up on me.

I'm small, I'm weak and now I'm stuck in this place until my generation is free to go. It's like a crazy place here. You've got your Nadders, vain dragons to say the least, constantly checking their looks, don't want to make them angry, they'll shoot you with spines. They would probably complain about loosing them and how they looks stupid until they grow back. After them you have the Nightmares. Larger dragons that are your typical stuck up worriers that think they're good at everything just because they can light themselves on fire.

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