Chapter 12 - Final Goodbye

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"What did he just tell you?" Stargaze asked worryingly as she slowly backed away from me. I couldn't do anything, everything was a blur and I was in war with myself. I tried to stop myself but nothing was working. I kept screaming at myself to stop but I kept moving forward. My ears down and wings up, threateningly. My claws dug out and pressing, dangerously into the ground. "No, no, no, no. Phoenix, what wrong with you? Snap out of it!" She ordered, still backing away from me.

"Grrrr!" I growled a vicious growl as she backed herself up to the ice wall. Her eyes tearing as she gulped. I had now power, no control. I was about to kill her and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Phoenix! Phoenix stop!" She screamed as I felt my throat inhale and a blast prepare. I tried to scream out from within myself but couldn't. "No! NOOO!" She screamed a final time as suddenly a fire bolt left my cheeks and blasted straight towards her. The ice wall she was backed up to shattered as different shards fell onto her. She collapsed as the bolt hit her, one wing resting over her as she laid there with no movement. I couldn't do anything, just watch. Watch as I breathed heavily. Staring at her as if I didn't care but screaming out from the inside of myself. I began to blink as I entered my own body again. I looked around and realised she was still there. I ran over to her, pushing the ice rocks off her but she still laid there without a slight move of her wing.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed as I sat up. I breathed heavily as I looked around realising I was still in the cove. The lake trickling beside me as the stars shine above me. It was just a nightmare. I let myself collapse as my head hit the floor. I crooned a sad sigh as I looked at the nothingness ahead. I curled myself up before turning my head to look at the sky.

I watched the stars glitter above me as the crescent moon shined. Usually every crescent moon the furies would own the sky, having a party of our own as we flew unseen. Blending into the darkness as we danced with the wind. Now as I looked up though, there was no one. Not a single fury. Not even me. I thought about Stargaze. Did I kill her? Am I a murderer? Is it my fault? Is it all because I sent her out on that raid that night. If I had just told her to stay at death island none of this would have happened! This is all my fault! Everything is my fault!

I should have done something different. If I hadn't have become leader, if I hadn't lead that raid. If I didn't ever learn to fly.... None of this would have happened!!! I looked back to the fake tail wing that made me fly again. If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have lost my tail, the furies wouldn't have died and life would be as normal and at this very moment, I would be on my brother back as we soared next to the stars.

"I'm sorry Stargaze." I sighed. "You never gave up on me when you should have. I've just made everything worse. What am I aiming for? Why am I doing this? Why am I letting myself fly again? What am I trying to achieve. Maybe I should just lay here and die like I was supposed to. I can't bare to think about you though. Every time, my heart just aches. I know you wouldn't want that, so I guess this is my last goodbye. It will be hard to forget about you but, I guess you can only, try." I sobbed. "Goodbye Stargaze." I tried to smile. I roared a loud roar to the sky in respect.

A tear an down my cheek as I curled back up into a ball. I crooned to myself as I closed my eyes, trying to sleep but knowing it was unlikely to happen. I just hope with all my heart that she can forgive me.

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