Chapter 15

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Choose your choices wisely if you want to be safe.

Taehyung's POV

- Safety -

Ohhhh, this is bad! This is very very! Very bad! I started to pace back and forth, panicking like crazy. If Im alone, I won't have a hard time since I am basically a fucking snake but these guys! They probably won't survive! Okay, maybe us monsters might survive since we've dealt with snakes.

I sighed heavily and I suddenly saw, with the side of my eyes, someone walking to the forest. I stretched my arms out, trying to stop them "WAIT! Don't go to the forest!" I shouted, gaining the attention of everyone who are sitting in the ground.

The girl scoffed loudly and flipped her hair as she turned to me, "You're gonna stop us when we are hungry?" She said sassily, trying to prove a point. I started to pondered on why this bitch is trying to prove a point when she is walking to her death?

"Gurl, you're gonna be a fucking damn mouse the moment you step inside that forest." I snapped harshly, already stress with the damn situation as it is and this damn hoe is gonna increase it. "We are also hungry so take your damn bratty attitude back to your seat if you wanna survive in this island,"

"I just wanna confirm something," Someone suddenly spoke from the crowd. I looked at the random dude who has glasses on and has a puppet on his hand. "We are safe, right?" My breathe hitched at that question because I know that we are definitely not safe as along as we are out in the open.

I opened my mouth, trying to find the words that might soothe their tense shoulders "W-Well—YOU HESITATED!" I was cut off by the same guy with the puppet on his hands. "I'm sorry?" That's all I responded to the scared guy already who is already pacing back and forth while holding the puppet.

"You hesitated! That means! We are not safe, am I correct?" I gulped vigorously when I saw that all eyes are on me and damn, this pressure is too much for me to handle but I knew I couldn't lie since it is pretty obvious that we are not safe so I nodded slowly while stuttering, "Y-Yes..."

Everyone gasped in horror as the guy with the puppet suddenly screamed in horror, shocking everyone on how loud the voice is, "NOOO! I'm too young to die! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I would teleport us out BUT MY MAGIC IS STILL NOT STRONG ENOUGH! BEJEHWIWBK—Hey, Robbie, scream in my ear one more time, I will cut your tongue out."

Damn, she has a powerful aura and isn't that the girl that glared at us when we asked who's in math class when Jimin transformed into his hydra but thanks to her, this Robbie guy stopped shouting and calmed down a bit.

"So we need like a cave or something, am I right?" I turned my head to see Ami sitting in the ground with her knee up and her other knee in the ground. I nodded at her and she sighed deeply as she stood up from the ground. I took a step back slightly as I looked at her with confused eyes, why is she suddenly standing up.

"We need a cave?" She said as she took out her phone and other stuff on her pockets of her jogging pants (yes, Ami wears jogging pants or sweat pants to school because according to her "why the fuck not")

"I'll get us a cave," She shoved her stuff to me, wanting me to hold it for her while she FUCKING GOES TO HER DEATH?!? WHAT IS SHE THINKING?!? "Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah, there missy! You are not going through that forest!" Thank you, Jin for being my inner voice! He managed to stop her! At least, that's what I thought.

She chuckled deeply, "Why go through it," She unzipped the zipper of her jacket. "When you can go above it," Ami smirked as she removed her jacket and shoved her jacket to Jin as she started to walk to a open area. My mouth went wide in shock and at the same time, I wanted to smack myself on how stupid I am!

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