Chapter 4

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Sorry for the late update!!! Here ya gooo!!! I know Seungkwan is younger than Taehyung in real life but like let's pretend Seungkwan is older, okieee???


Taehyung's POV

- Moving -

"Mr. Boo!" I saw our teacher at the main hall of the castle. Boo Seungkwan turned around to meet his students, he immediately let out a big smile on his face. "Hi Tae!" He opened his arms so I could give him a hug.

They were selected teachers from the monster world and Seungkwan happens to be part. From what I remember from Grandpa Typhoon is that, Zeus wanted to let their children and the others learn from monsters.

Besides between the gods and monsters, we have more knowledge here on earth than them. What Olympus knows is fighting, science and math and those shit but they are weak on history since they focus more on fighting and battles.

Boo Seungkwan is the last son of the Lydian Drakon, the oldest drakon there is. This specie can paralyze you with it's stare, can produce acid and it's scale is harder than titanium.

Now it's not a dragon but a drakon. Same looks but two completely different species. Drakons are several millennia older than dragons!

Some drakons breathe fire but most doesn't while some have spit acidic venom and while most has a stare that can paralyze you.

There are 4 sub-units of Drakons.

Aethiopian Drakon

Thebian Drakon

Maeonian Drakon

Lydian Drakon

"My sweet little alien!" Seungkwan can't help but pinch my cheeks. I squirmed because of his actions, gaining the attention of the students and teachers around us. "Aigooo!!! It feels like yesterday when you had cuty baby cheeks!"

I blushed with his words, making me put my head low from embarrassment. "Yah! Hyung! Stop embarrassing me!" I hit the side of his arms, making him giggle. "No! Keep embarrassing him! I wanna see him explode!" We heard a voice from behind.

My eye twitched knowing who it was. I turned around to see Jimin and Jin with their luggage and bags already. Jin had a neck pillow on his neck and is about to pass out. Jimin just yawned uncontrollably with his arms  stretching up. Oh right, 2 days has passed and right now we are on our way to Olympus.


"Is that what you're gonna bring?" Jin yawned while covering his mouth with his hand while the other is on his pocket. "Yeah? So?" I questioned him as he looked at me, sleepily.

"Isn't that too little?" Jimin asked as he crossed his arms. "I don't give a fuck" Seungkwan laughed as he hit my back. Jin and Jimin just rolled their eyes. Jin held the black cloak that was hanging on his arm. "Why the fuck do we even need to wear this?"

Jimin sighed as he hit his hyung's arm "You really are an oldie" Jin turned his gaze at him and slapped his arm. "Don't call me that!" Jimin's eyes widen when he got hit once more. "Don't hit me!" Jimin slapped him again.

Jin's eyes widen at the disrespect he is gaining "You started it!" Jimin's eye fumed anger when Jin hit him again. "Stop hitting me!" Jin's eye twitch in anger as he hit him again.

"You stop!"

"No, you!"


"Bitch, you st—"

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