Chapter 3

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Sorry for the late update! Here is your chapter, Readerellas💜💜💜

3rd's POV

- Can't Believe It's Happening -

"I can't believe he passed out again after telling the news"

Jimin and Taehyung stared at their best friend lying down at his bed. Taehyung sighed as he leaned back at the sofa with his arms crossed "Is this actually happening?" He asked with a frown plastered at his face.

Jimin's expression saddened and nodded "Yeah..." Jimin looked at his best friend who is now glaring at the ceiling. Taehyung started to yell obnoxiously while throwing his hands up in the air.

Jin suddenly woke up from the loud screams Taehyung is making. He sat down at the bed while rubbing his eyes with his fist as he yawned. "What happened?" Jin asked with his tired voice.

"You passed out again," Jimin said while trying to calm the angry Taehyung. "Why did I pass out again?" Jin asked while rubbing his hair as he stood up. "Are you seriously that old?" Jin glared at the mini hydra.

"Shut up, fire breath! Tell me what happen! I legit forgot!" Jimin sighed as he turned to Jin while Taehyung keeps yeeting his arms up. "First of all, you breathe fire too except Im better" Jimin flip his hair sassily.

Jin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Two, we need to pack! We are leaving in two days!" Jin arched his brow in confusion. "And why is that?" Jimin wanted to yeet himself out of the cliff for how forgetful his hyung is.

"Since when the fuck did you turn into Dory? I thought it's Taehyung that's the Dory of our group" Taehyung heard his words, making him turn to his midget best friend and pointed at him.

"YAH! Are you asking for a free ride to Tartarus?!?"

Jimin struck his tongue out as Jin sighed and walked closer to Jimin. "Answer my question! Why do we need to pack?" Taehyung and Jimin facepalm, knowing how much of a oldie is their hyung.

"Because you all are going to Olympus"

They heard a familiar voice from the door step. They turned around to see Medusa wearing her protective black shades to prevent her from turning them into stone. Taehyung smiled as he ran to his mother.

"Mama!" Taehyung hugged her tightly while her snakes hugged him too. "Hello Uncles and Auntie!" Taehyung waved brightly at Python, Dominic and Veronica. "Aigoo! You are getting manly every day, my sweet baby!" Veronica cooed at her nephew.

"Yah! Why can't you be more like him! He's handsome and respectful! Full package of a husband!" Veronica glared at her two snake brothers. "Bitch, please! I was the Leonardo DiCaprio back at my home town" Dominic sassily said.

"I pity your fellow snakes at your hometown" Python bluntly said, making Dominic glare at him. "BUT WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Dominic crawled back to Veronica with a glare "Who you calling husband!" Veronica looked at him confusingly and pointed at Taehyung.

"Bitch please! He's a bottom! He gonna be the damn wife!" Taehyung blushed immediately while Jin and Jimin snorted from laughter. "H-Heh?" Taehyung stuttered as Veronica fumed in anger.

"EXCUSE ME! HE'S A TOP! LOOK AT HIM!" Veronica pointed at him. "Y-You just gestured t-to a-all of m-me?" Taehyung looked at his aunt with a confuse blushy face. "EXACTLY!" Veronica yelled, making Medusa sighed at the childishness of her snakes.

"Python! Tell him!" Veronica asked help from her brother. Python sighed, he can't believe that he was drag into this. "Technically," Python went closer to Taehyung who moved back a bit, seeing how close he is.

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