Chapter 16

978 43 21

Cuz you are my girl~

3rd's POV

- Mission: Make Taekook Happen -

"Oh, come on, Professor! Nothing bad will happen to them!" Hoseok whined like a child, hoping he can convince their teacher to make Taehyung and Jungkook go hunting together. Confused? Let me explain the situation: Everyone settled in the cave, but the problem is, there is no food so people started to brainstorm on what to do; Taehyung was one of the main people that planned everything for hunting.

Taehyung, being the kind person he is, told the hunters where to go and where not to go especially at that place. That's why it is also suggested to go in pairs so they won't have a hard time, and it will be extra easier if they go in pairs.

"Mr. Jung, I can't possibly place the son of Athena and son of Medusa together because you already know the stories between their parents! Who knows what will happen to those two if I place them together!" Professor Simon reminded the three which caused the son of the gods to frown at the answer given to them.

"But—I personally think it's a great idea," The 3 gods flinched when they heard a new voice joining the conversation. They turned to the side to see Jin and Jimin, grinning proudly. Simon blinked thrice to know if he heard it correctly, "Didn't you hear what I just sai—We heard you but!" Jin interrupted as he moved forward.

"The rivalry is between their parents and not them," Jin smiled at the professor. "Exactly, so try to imagine this: If the two became friends then what power can those two hold?" Jimin moved closer to the professor who is now interested in what they are saying.

"Taehyung has the power of all snakes and not to mention, he has the ability to turn people to stone AND! He can revert that curse while for Jungkook, he is basically equal to the god of War, Ares. So imagine if the two are friends. Can you imagine the power they can hold?" Namjoon and the rest stared at the two with utter shock because one, they never expected that they will help them, and two, they have such good persuasion skills.

"Hmm, that honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea, " The professor thought for a while before sighing deeply, "Alright...I'll put the two together for hunting."

They tried their best not to show their excitement, but they are really happy with the outcome. As soon as the professor excused himself, they all let out a deep breath of solace; learning that the Taekook plan is a success.

"Hey..." Jin and Jimin heard a faint voice from their side so they turned around to see Namjoon and the rest, "Thanks for helping us..." Jin's cheek started to heat up a bit so he looked away, " problem, " Jimin giggled at the sight of his hyung blushing in front of his crush.

Yes, Jimin knew that Jin has a crush on Namjoon. He actually did a lucky guess; the moment he found out, he teased the shit out of him.

"You guys are good at persuading," Hoseok pointed out while walking closer to them. "Well, if you are not allowed to go outside," Jimin scratch the back of his neck, "You have to be good at persuading with your parents," Jimin answered as he looked away from him.


You may hear the sound of crickets surround them; it was too awkward for them; no one moved nor talked. "Do you wanna go and hu—" Jin and Namjoon said it in unison, but they stopped when they realized that they are saying the same thing; resulting them to let out series of laughters.

"You know, Jin," Namjoon suddenly spoke, "How we first met wasn't great at all so," Namjoon brought his hands forward, and he looked at Jin with a huge smile which shows his dimples, "As one of the princes of gods, we hereby welcome you for now,"

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