Chapter 0.2

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M E D U S A 'S   S T O R Y

Medusa felt it again, her being watched by a creepy but strong aura. She can feel the presence of someone. She tried to act tough for the sake of Athena. Medusa thought if she reached inside Athena's temple, everything would be okay. That bastard will stop following her.

When she entered the temple, she immediately close the doors and leaned at the doors breathing heavily. Medusa thought she's safe since she's inside now but it was all wrong when she was suddenly grabbed by the waist and pinned her in the columns.

She gasped and let go of her lamp, which started to run off. She tried to get out of the man's gripped but failed when he pinned her arms above and the other hand grabbed her waist pulling her closer.

(A/N: you can keep this part honestly, I'll tell you guys when you can read)

"L-let g-g-go o-of m-me!!!" Medusa screamed but the man just chuckled "Is that how you talk to a god, baby?" Medusa's eyes widen. She was too scared to look up to see who god it was.

Is it god?

A mortal?

A incubus?

Just who?

"Look at me, baby girl" Medusa's breathing hitch when she felt the man's breath on her ear, his hands started to tease the sides of her waist. She started to tear up.

"Oh baby, don't cry, I promise you will feel really good" He moved his harden cock to Medusa's clit. She flinched at the feeling, of course not use to it. Her tears started to fall down slowly.

He started to get impatient and growled "I said look at me, you damn bitch" Medusa flinched at the tone of his voice. The more he commands, the more Medusa will resist, besides she mastered the skill of not submitting so easily since she's always being harassed.

Usually by now, she would be breaking the guy's arm but there's a strange strong aura that's making her stop her actions. Heck she can't even scream.

"So you will resist?" He asked as Medusa didn't say anything, he growled as he grabbed Medusa's face harshly and made her look at him. He smirked at the beautiful face of the mortal. He licked his lips at the sight of her crying.

Medusa's eyes widen in horror and gulped "Poseidon" Medusa's breathing started to get heavier and heavier. She tried to slap Poseidon but Poseidon closed the gap between them.

Poseidon chuckled and started to put more pressure in her clit using his cock. "Im glad you know who I am, baby" Poseidon said as he started to kiss Medusa's neck. "N-no! S-stop!" Medusa tried pushing him off.

Medusa continued to resist. Poseidon realized what she's doing and groan in frustration "Come on baby, I know you will love it" Poseidon said as he nibbled Medusa's earlobe.
Medusa had enough and kicked Poseidon in the balls. Poseidon groaned at the pain but was able to grab Medusa's dress.

Medusa tried to get her dress off of the the grip of the raper but was ripped instead and fell into the ground and infront of her was Athena's statue.

"P-Poseidon, p-pl-please do-don't do t-this" Medusa stuttered and looked down at herself to see her clothes ripped already, her body is almost exposed. She looked up to see Poseidon removing his clothing. She moved back but she was grabbed by the ankle and pulled her closer to Poseidon's harden cock.

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