Chapter 17

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Sorry for the late update! ALSO! Didn't proof read so like! You might see grammatical errors!

Jungkook's POV

- Perfect -

"Goddess, Kook! Don't leave! I-I d-don't like this! P-Please don't l-leave! I-I promise t-to keep t-this a secret! J-Just doesn't l-leave m-me f-first!" My heart broke in a million pieces when I heard the pain and fear in his tone. He was panicking so much; resulting him to move his head from side to side as he try to feel my presence.

I cupped both of his cheeks, pulling me closer to me, "I'm here, Tae. Shhh, I've got you. Take deep breaths for me, okay?" Taehyung seems to calm down a bit so he started to inhale and exhale slowly, soothing the tense shoulders. I smiled when I see him following my instructions slowly, "You're doing well, Tae. Keep doing that, okay?" He nodded at me while gripping my hands, not wanting me to remove my hands on his cheeks causing me to chuckle at the cute action.

While caressing Taehyung's cheeks to calm him down and reassure him that I am still with him, I started to move my head side to side, trying to look for a safe play like a cave at least. It's dangerous for us to stay here especially in a territory of snakes, and the fact Taehyung, our only snake in legs, is blind already leads to a great disadvantage for me.

I squinted my eyes a bit, trying to see clearer if the thing I saw is cave. My eyes lit up in relief when I saw a cave not so far! Fuck, I hope it's safe! I looked back at Tae and bend down to his level as I whispered softly, "Tae, I found a cave. Can you walk? Or do you want me to carry you?" Taehyung shook his head as he sniffled a bit, "N-No ne-need. J-Just g-guide m-me, p-please..."

Once again, you can hear the sound of my heart breaking to see my Taehyung at his weakest state. I held his arms to support him when he tries to stand up with his shaking legs. Taehyung is like a newborn baby right now; although, it may be fucking adorable. I really can't tell if he is traumatized the fact that he is blind for now or he is scared of the dark.

He keeps wobbling to the side as we walk slowly to the cave so for extra support, I wrapped my arm around his waist causing him to let out a cute sound—a fucking yelp. "J-Jungkook..." He stuttered softly while shaking a little bit causing my cheeks to have a faint blush. "Forgive me, Tae, but you might fall over if I don't hold you like this," I blushed softy.

"I-It's o-okay..." He whimpered quietly.

Stop. Being. So. Fucking. CUTE!

"A-Are we a-almost there?" He asked, snapping my gay panicking self to reality. "Yes, Tae. You can do this! We are almost there," I wanted to do a little encouraging to boost his sad mood; this is probably the most unexpected thing I'll ever do in my entire life like can you believe that I actually is encouraging someone? Welp, it's Tae so like—

Suddenly, I felt something moving around on Taehyung's arm so out of curiosity, I looked down to see a FUCKING SNAKE crawling out from his arm! "V, be my eyes for now. Check if there are snakes claiming this cave," Taehyung ordered softly causing me to let out a small curse when he suddenly saw the huge ass snake come out of Tae's arm.

"Holy shit! I forgot you do that! Damn! You own a snake that big? ITS HUGE! WHAT THE FUCK?" I stared at V with such amazement, and it made Taehyung giggle at the enthusiasm, "Yeah, it's really surprising that someone like that is fits around my arm."

I continue to wander his eyes at the long animal that is inspecting the cave like a pro. Meanwhile with Taehyung, the thing is that he may be blind right now, but he has ears; his other senses sharpen when he got blind so hearing the amazement gasps from Jungkook caused him to let out a smile. He cursed at himself that he isn't able to witness his bunny smile due to his blindness.

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