Chapter 0.1

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M E D U S A 'S   S T O R Y

"My wife is about to give birth!!! Where's the doctor?!??" Phorkys shouted at the man. "The doctor is on his way! Pray to Hera that this child will be okay!" The man patted Phorkys back as a sign that it's all gonna be okay.

Of course Phorkys didn't get the signal and started to panic and panic, seeing his wife, Keto, in pain hurts him in lots of ways. Her screams are heard from a far. Villagers came to help with the operation while some just watched.

Phorkys and Keto were quite famous in their village but they don't know that Keto and Phorkys are the the children of the primal god and goddess, Gaea and Uranus.

They are famous for their kindness and generosity. They helped many in their village. Keto helped sewed some clothes to the poor and even cooked meals. When she was pregnant, she would read books to the kids of the village. Phorkys would help the farmers crop vegetables, chop wood for the town's fire and hunt for food as well.

"The doctor is here!" A man shouted making Phorkys eyes lit up and immediately went over to his wife. "All of you please leave except for the husband" The doctor said as he put out all the materials for the operation.

Phorkys started to tear up and Keto grabbed his cheek with one hand. "I'll be fine honey, just wait for me and the baby, okay?" Phorkys nodded and grab his wife hand that is on his cheek and kissed it.

"I just need you to give me one big push, you got that?" The doctor instructed Keto as she nodded. Sweat started to drip from her forehead as she let out a loud scream. "I-It h-hurts!!" Keto yelled as she clenched her fist against the bedsheets. "Yes, I know! But you can do this! Now push!"

Keto screamed her lungs out as she felt the baby coming out. Her veins were popping out because of too much screaming. Phorkys held her hand the entire time, it might leave a bruise since Keto is squeezing it the entire time. Keto soon stopped screaming as she panted heavily.

Because the baby is out.



"Wow..." The doctor said with his mouth wide open. The couple got confused "Your daughter, she's so beautiful" The doctor said with mesmerizing eyes.

The doctor carefully carried the bloody baby and gave it to Keto. Keto smiled at her baby as she placed her in her arms. "Oh my sweet child" Keto said smiling rocking her a little bit. "Dear! Look! She has your nose!" Keto said calling out her husband and pointed at her nose.

Phorkys smiled at his wife and new born daughter. "And she has your beauty" Keto blushed after the compliment "I just gave birth and you still manage to make me blush" Keto pouted making Phorkys kiss her sweaty forehead.

"What are you gonna name your child?" The doctor asked, starring with mesmerizing eyes at the child. The couple smiled at each other and looked down at their baby.


Stories about Medusa spread like crazy. As a child, people would visit their house just to glance at the baby or give their congratulations to the couple for the new born baby and they would instantly fall in love with her cute chubby cheeks and adorable smile.

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