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"LET'S PLAY" Said Yejin with a happy voice like a kid

I was shocked i mean i don't know what she's talking about. Is it that thing?? I mean we just got married so it's possible she's talking about that thing right??

"What????!!" I asked

"Yahh! What are you thinking about what i mean is let's play a game. I can't sleep so I'm asking you. It's ok if you don't want"

"Arasseo, what game??"

"Hmmm... Ahhh let's play jenga, uno and go stop"

"Ok let's go"

We entered the living room and sat on the carpet. Is that a suitcase?? Why does she have that??

She opened it and guess what there's games in it wait even toys?? A grown up woman have that??

Then she put out a jenga blocks and assemble it after that we play rock paper scissor to decide who will go next. I won so i will go first

We played jenga and guess what she keep winning ohh i hate it

Until we move on to uno. And oh god she still keep winning.

I look at her and i saw her eyes it's crescent moon shape again i-it's Beautiful.

And yeah i never win. Then, we move on to go stop.

She won at the first round



And guess what i win at the fourth fifth and six haha

I look at her again and oh my god she looks scary her eyes is not crescent moon shape anymore it's full with desire i also didn't hear her laugh.

Last round this will decide the winner

And she won

I hear her laugh again and her eyes are back at crescent moon shape. It's somehow worth it losing haha

Then she said we should play last game. She decided to play truth or dare and that time we're already drinking soju.

And yeah we play it. Its fun haha not until i lose and picked truth then she suddenly asked me

"Do you like someone??"

F*ck should i tell her??

Yeah i should for her to know why i don't want this relationship

I tell her everything about me and joon young.


He tell me everything about her ex

I regret asking what i just ask

He also tells me How much he loves her. I felt pain deep inside me I don't what that is but.....

"Could it change?" I don't know why i asked that but i think it's because I'm tipsy because of the soju

"Huh?" He asked looking so confuse

"The person you love. I mean it's been 5 years"

"No!, never she said she will comeback and i trust her" he said he's voice started to rise

"I mean what if she don't comeback or when she came back she already has someone"

"Yah!! Son Ye Jin. Watch your words"

I suddenly brought my lips to him he looks shocked I'm shocked too. Maybe because I'm drunk I don't know but i feel like doing it.

I pulled out from the kiss and look at his eyes it looks shocked, look so wistful.


He kissed me again aggressively this time. Until we're both naked.

And just like that, that night is full of passion growing inside us.



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