Chapter 30: Painful Truth

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When we saw them i got up really quick then left with chaechae. I don't want it to be awkward

I don't want to put my daughter into a drama it's not on my vocabulary as a mother

So i quickly left with her. I know they saw us but I don't care

"Mommy are we hiding from daddy?" Chae on asked

"No baby, it's just that maybe his family don't know us yet" i said she just quickly hum indicating that she agreed

We're now back home and I'm so tired this day is so eventful.

Just then i heard a ping from my phone indicating a message. When i checked at it it's from Hyunbin


Sorry about earlier especially to chaechae i didn't expect seeing you two there is chaechae mad?


Don't worry about it she's not mad and if you're wondering why we left let's just not drag chaechae into this dramas okay? I explain to her that maybe your family didn't know her yet that's why.


Thank you so much. I'll make it up to her I'll go there when i can.

"Momma who are you texting?" Chaechae asked

"Oh you're daddy is asking how are you?"

"Daddy!? Mommy tell him I'm not angry and it's ok hihi i want to meet daddy, mommy i want to say sorry to him"

"Ok message sent i already said to daddy. Now sleep it's time for your bed"

"Ok mommy"

After awhile watching chaechae sleep someone rang the doorbell. I looked at the camera and saw insung

I already confront them why did they tell chaechae such things and they have thousands of reason

"Insung ssi come in"

"Thank you! Where's Chaechae?"

"Already asleep. What brings you here?"

"Uhm maybe i want my drinking buddy. Here look" he said raising the plastic bag he's holding full of beers. I just giggle

Not long after we're drinking almost tipsy

"Yejin ah you know i like you right?"

"I do" i said in a normal voice he confessed a lot to me already so it's okay for me now

He then lean at me closing his eyes. Oh my god he's going to kiss me fuck

Suddenly his phone rings. Thank you lord

He answer it and said "Sorry uhm yejin ssi it's the hospital. i think i need to go"

"Yeah yeah it's okay. You're not that drunk yet right? You can drive?"

"Of course haha" he said then quickly left after saying our goodbye's

Not long after i sleep because of tiredness


When i saw them earlier at the park i went numb I don't know what to do in that situation

I'm just glad that Yejin is smart to think ways to explain it to chaechae and everything

I also text her and she assured me that it's all okay

Then my phone pings again

It's a voicemail from yejin. I played it then my heart fucking melt


Voicemail (Daddy!? Mommy tell him I'm not angry and it's ok hihi i want to meet daddy, mommy i want to say sorry to him)

My heart immediately melt after the vm i love my babies a lot chaechae and minji


1 week later

It's been a week since that eventful day. Hyunbin still didn't pay a visit to chaechae I'm totally okay with it maybe he's busy or what but chaechae started aking when she can meet hyunbin

I want to text him but maybe.... Maybe he's really busy

It's now 11pm and chaechae went to sleep few hours ago

Suddenly someone bang at the door. For godsake there's a doorbell hello!?

I open it and I'm surprised to what.. no who i saw

It's Hyunbin

In a drunk state

Woah how could he? We didn't get anything from him then this. The nerve of this guy

"What are you doing here.... Drunk?"

"Yah Hyun Bin you know chaechae waited for your message everyday or your visit for a week cause' you promised her. But no you came here drunk WOW your confidence are too hig--" i was cut off by his lips fuck what's wrong with him

He kissed me Hyun Bin kissed me

He locked his lips with mine then he release his tongue asking for entrance but i didn't gave that to him this is too much. He's married

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HUH? You're married for godsake I don't care about any ofyour explanation because what you just did is wrong"

"You're so beautiful yejin ssi" he said then he giggled

He then he hugged me then started crying. I was gonna push him but i felt pity when I heard him sobbed

"Yejin ah I'm not minji's father"  He said out of nowhere

"What? What do you mean?"

Oh god gather everyone we're having another drama


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