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'Love, love is one of the most beautiful things that can happen in someone's life but that doesn't mean that love can always be beautiful. There's always uncertainty that our love cannot be reciprocated'

'Confessing your love is an act of braveness. But you know what's braver?
Accepting rejections'

And that's the exact same thing i did

I thought that i can be stronger than that because we're married there's something I can hold onto but that's nothing when when his heart belongs to someone.

And just like that, that long night finally ended

Laying on my bed blaming overanalyzing everything it's my fault and then thinking was it really my fault?

But as the clock strikes at 00:00 o'clock it's another day basically leaving everything behind not to think about the past. 00:00 means to start from zero again and be happier.

Morning came like a wind

I woke up and start doing my routine.

I'm at the kitchen now i want to cook. For him but suddenly a message pop up 'don't cook for me I'm already eating with joon young'

Accept. That's all i can do

I didn't cooked i just bought subway

When i arrived at the office i saw them again inside of his office room they're so clingy together. There's humor going on that it's Hyunbin's girlfriend.

I got hurt Again. I want to yell at them

I want to tell them that


But i can't. I'm just silent at the corner it reminds me of when i saw them kissing. I can't do anything but just close my mouth and move forward

He's routine became like that he barely even got home he didn't eat at home also i know he's with someone who can make him happy and that makes me happy. I can't do anything but be happy for him.

Until one day someone sent me a photo of Hyunbin and joon young sleeping together.

My heart felt numb. I can't feel any pain anymore it's just nothing.

My heart is numb already that this thing doesn't hurt me anymore.


I enjoy my time with joon young this is just like the old days.

Though i still feel guilty towards yejin but I can't do anything.

There's time that i would think of her when i ask joon young to play with me she says I'm too old for that. When j ask her to cook for me she says 'why cooked when there's delivery' i miss yejin's dish. I admit when that happens I can't help but to think of her.

But I'm happy with joon young.


At morning i throw up again. I don't know what's happening to me but i keep throwing up every morning. This continues for almost months now but i actually don't mind it maybe it's because I'm stress.

But today is different my head is hurting. I keep throwing up and I don't know i felt nauseous i felt sick.

I will visit my mom in the hospital her discharge is nearing so I'm taking extra care.

My mother didn't know anything i don't want to tell her she might get heart attacked so i rather not to say what's happening these days.

I was about to go home. Suddenly i thought to go to the doctor my sickness is going for almost months  now and I'm worried.

I visit a doctor and he ask me a lot of things

Like throwing up every morning

My menstruation

The smells food that i hate

And he said he will check my urine and blood.

I wait for how many minutes when he suddenly came out......




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