Chapter 27: Father of who?

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I started asking her questions. I felt really bad when i knew she got into a plane crashed.

And when i knew that after i left her in that cafe she passed out makes me a jerk. Oh god that night i was full of pleasure with joon young when she's in a hospital bed unconscious. Fuck I'm an asshole aren't i?

Then I started asking her some more personal questions i thought she would get mad but no she answered all of it confidently. Oh god what did 4 years does to her to be that badass

Then this is the question i really wanted to ask i know this is a bit personal but I'm really curious

"Then who's the father of your kid? Chaechae right?"

Oh god i asked it. I finally did!!!!

I don't know why but I'm scared of her answer

"It's-" she cut what she's saying then continue

"I think it's none of your business"

"Ah I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean it" i suddenly felt guilty for asking such a personal question

We then eat again and its fucking super duper awkward

My mind is full of thoughts my question is not answered


Chaechae is 4 years old it's been 4 years since that night also. That fucking night of our wedding

I got an investigator to check their background i know it's wrong but I can't stop myself

When i subtract chaechae's birth date from 9 months. OH GOD!!!


"Is chaechae mine?" I asked her and she looked really shock

"What? What made you think that? No she's not yours." She said nervous is evident from her voice

If she's not mine then that means she's cheating on me while we're married

"If she's not mine that means you're cheating on me while we're married" i asked i don't know what im thinking i just spit it out. I instantly regret it

"You know what MR. HYUN fuck you your a dick how can you accuse me on that thing when that time you're with your girlfrien- now wife joon young all the time. That time WE'RE STILL MARRIED" She said raising her voice oh thank god we're a vip here if not people will looked at me in disgust

"I know I'm sorry about that but i really wanna know who's chaechae's father"

"Fuck you're pissing the hell out of me. Ok let me tell you YOU ARE THE FATHER OF CHAECHAE!! AGAIN LET ME TELL YOU. YOU DICKHEAD ARE!! THE!! FATHER!! OF!! MY!! DAUGHTER!!"

"What? Wait wha-?" Fuck I'm stuttering I'm really shocked

"But don't worry we will not destroy your happy family. You lost your right as her father years ago when you picked her over me"

"Yejin ah i didn't know you didn't tell me"

"Fuck you the time you left asking for divorce that the time i knew about chaechae. The time you're asking for divorce I want to tell you but before i did you said that joon young makes you happy and i don't blah blah blah"

"That time i knew you're a jerk a mother fucking asshole and i don't want my baby to have that kind of father. A father who are married to someone but banging other pussy. You're not suitable to be a father you won't love us like you love her. YOU DON'T DESERVED OUR LOVE. That's why"

Shen then stand up then said...


"Good bye Mr. Hyun"

After she said that she left.

That's it.

My world is shattered. I'm a jerk

I-i let her go that time and that time there's a baby inside her OUR baby. My blood and flesh





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