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I can still clearly remember what happened last night like clearly.

As i open my eyes i look at my side and she's not there anymore where did she go?? But yeah i wash myself and get ready to go to work

But suddenly i saw something at the kitchen table

It's Food

She made food?? For me???

There's hangover soup, side dishes, fruits and more and there's a note its says.....

'Eat some food sorry need to leave early'

F*ck is she acting like a wife??? Can't she remember our agreement....

Ahh i mean we already done something that we shouldn't and in the agreement but still....

Yeah i still ate it. It's for me anyways.....


The Truth is i really don't have somewhere to go but it's still vivid to me about what happened last night and I'm so so so embarrassed. Also I'm the one who start it so that makes me more embarrassed.

But you know what, i didn't regret anything.

I'm thinking i should be mad because he got my virginity but i just couldn't......

Oh my god he's coming i almost forgot that he's my boss.

I saw him looking side to side i think he's looking for me. God he spots me. What's that??? He suddenly smirk. What's wrong with him???

After a few hours it's lunch time already. I'm going to the cafeteria when......

"Son Ye Jin ssi, Hyun Bin daepyo is asking for you"

F*ck someone help

Ah btw we didn't make our marriage public so no one knows in the office

"Ah yeah ok I'll go there"

I got to his office and there he is. He's smiling at me WTF is that??

"Let's have lunch together" he said while smiling

"It's okay I'm not hungry" i said rejecting his offer

He suddenly shakes his head

" No no you're going to eat with me. Come here sit here"

I just can't do anything so i just sit with him and eat.

"Let's forget about the agreement" he said my god what does that mean??


"Yeah I suddenly thought i mean why not we already done something last night you also cook for me earlier and now we're eating together. We should forget the rules we already failed half of it"

"I mean you have a point but what if-"

"No but's"

"What about the divorce??"

"Hmm let's not think about it. It doesn't really matter i mean we just got married this is just our first day as husband an wife and you want to divorce me already???" He said

"That's not what i mean-"

"Let's eat" He said and immediately dig in to the food

I really want tp ask him what if his ex came back?? But i didn't ask him because i might got an answer I don't want. I just better keep it.

A few hours after that. It's time to go home. He asked me to go with him. I accept it.

The almost whole ride was quite not until..

"Can you cook for dinner? Btw The breakfast was good" He said without any warning. Then i feel my cheeks are burning hehe the breakfast is good?? Really?? Hahaha

"Ahh yeahh of course why not"


And yeah we got home. She cooked for me and again it was delicious. I don't know what happened to me but yeah i think i should give it a try right???

After that we played some games like last night but nothing happened to us that night ahahhaa

After that i woke up i saw her cooking breakfast. I don't know why but i suddenly smile. Looking at her cooking for me, for us, makes me happy can someone explain

After that we go in work together.



And yeah that's our routine. Cook breakfast, eat together, go in the office together, go home together, cook dinner, eat together, play some games or watch movies together that continue for almost a month or two


That routine continues for another week not until.....

One day I can't go to the office with him because i need to be with my mother it's my mother's operation day so i need to be with my mother and it end fast. I'm thinking that he's not yet home so i thought of going in the office so i can surprise him.

And yeah i enter the company, got in the elevator and when I'm infront of his office i peeked through the window to make sure he's still there

What i saw makes my heart shatter into pieces...

I saw him kissing someone and I'm sure that's him because the lights are open. I can clearly see his face then i look at the girl.....




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