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"So yeah another day another day of dying hehe joke well it's really hard to do living that's why".

Yejin woke up realizing the sun has risen AGAIN. Well It's not like she wants to die or what it's just hard for her to keep living this way.

Waking up form her tiny like a one person apartment (because that's what she can afford). it feels like another hell day for her. But what can she do she needs to make living for herself and her mother who was currently at the hospital.

Hyun bin on the other hand just woke up at his penthouse. Standing up from waking up from his sleep he walks towards the living room and it's REALLY MESSY well he's a guy so....

"The f*ck i saw it again shoot i should hire a maid or cleaner soon this house is not a house anymore it's a f*cking garbage house"

Seeing those unwashed those ramen cups those unwashed plates and more make him stress. He's no that dirty man but he's so busy he can't do those things.

Hyunbin have/has trust issues because of what happened before so he don't let someone inside his house except for his mom he can't even let the cleaner inside his house because he really don't have trust to anyone

But it's getting out of hand so he will try to look for some one whom he can really really trust.

Yejin just got to her part time job it's a not that tiring day for her not until someone called her


Yejin heard her phone. Picking it up immediately seeing whose calling her

"Ne, I'll go immediately" said yejin with fear

Hyun bin just got into his office it's more peaceful day today no shooting, no meeting makes him happy a little. He hasn't had a break like this for how many months


His mother calling him. He picked it up immediately.

"Okay I'll go there" said Hyunbin with a cold voice.


The doctor called yejin saying something about her mother he immediately go there and see

Her mother looking really pale it makes her feel sorry because she didn't have enough money to pay for her mother's surgery she

approached her mother with tears.

"Eomma, I'm sorry i will find a good job soon so you can have your surgery. I promise."

"It's okay my daughter I'm patient if you can't do it then its okay also, You don't need to worry about me I'm old so even if i had that surgery i will still die. worry about yourself  you don't have a boyfriend yet who will take care of you when i die. Ye jin a there's one thing i want to see before dying that is you marrying a guy that's enough my baby for me to go." Said her mother with a serious tone

"Eomma i will do anything for you to have that surgery. And that boyfriend or husband thing I don't need it I'm fine without it forever" Said Yejin

Then a woman in her 60s came in

The woman approached her mother and hugged her mother tightly

"My ghadd hye na yah are you ok? Goodness woman you still can't care of yourself" said the woman with concern in her looks

"Excuse me who-" Yejin was about to say something when the woman speak "ohmygod is this your daughter she's really pretty she suits with him" Said the woman with the excited voice.

Yejin was confused suits with who??

Then a man came in

"Eomma, why? Why do you need me here?" Said the man with a serious tone

The woman  look at yejin "hi yejin it's nice meeting you I'm kim jung sa I'm your mother's friend a really really longtime friend" Said the woman with a high pitch with a excited tone.

The the woman look at her son "Son, Hyun bin meet your future WIFE"



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