Chapter 33: Gone

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–Hyunbin Pov–

After a week of stress trying to find evidence against joon young

Here am i creating one of the best memories with my daughter

Chaechae and i are at the park because she keeps asking me to spend time with her. And just seeing those cute little eyes and dimples yeah i give up

But as i look at her i notice something different. She's not as playful as before she also don't smile much s before

"Daddy can we eat ice cream??" She asked giving me those puppy eyes and who am i to say no?

After buying ice cream she asked if we can go home already. I really find it weird because amusement park is one of her favorite places and i still remember yejin saying that she even wants to sleep here so what's wrong?

When we got to my car i carry her to put her on her seat when i noticed something in her arm. A bruised. Lots of

I didn't notice this earlier because she's wearing something with a long sleeve that reach her arm

"Chaechae! Where did you get this?" I asked pointing at her bruises

"Uhm d.. daddy i... I got that from playing with seojin" she said stuttering

Seojin is her friend their neighbor also. But something is really not right i just can't pinpoint it

"Okay but let's treat that later okay?"

"Okay daddy"

We drove off to their house when we got there yejin is not home yet maybe still at work since she's getting a really hugh profile business partner

But after getting there i quickly treat her bruises so it won't last long. After i quickly tuck her to bed

A few minutes after yejin arrived home it's still early around 8:30 pm so i stayed for a few minutes talking to her

"Ah about chaechae's bruises i already treat those so no need to worry" i said

"Bruises?"She asked confused

"You don't know she has bruises in her arm?"

"I don't. I mean these days she's trying to be independent she said. She even dress herself up and bathe herself alone I don't know what happened but she keeps assuring me that's everything is okay. So i didn't think much of it"

"Well keep eye on her something changed she's not that playful kid like before. Earlier while we're at the amusement park she even insisted going home"

"Really? She never did that"

"Yeah just keep an eye to her"

After our conversation i thought about going to chaechae's friends house seojin to ask if what she's saying is true because she's really odd this days

"Hi uhm is Seojin there?" I asked to what seems like his parents

"Yes and you are?"

"Uhm I'm the father of chaechae im just gonna ask something"

"Ok wait let me call him"

After awhile seojin appears then i started asking questions

"Seojin-ah did chaechae got in an accident while you two are playing?"

"Uhm no ahjussi we haven't play for like seven seven days now" he said showing his fingers

"Ahh really? Okay seojin thank you for saying those to ahjussi" i said then ruffles his hair

So if those bruises are not from playing with seojin does that mean chaechae is lying?

Why would she do that?? She's a kid

Whatever is happening i need to find out


I was shocked when i heard to Bin that chaechae have bruises. So i checked at her and saw her arm really have bruises i mean where the heck did she get that?

Chaechae said from playing with seojin but i doubt it i mean playing will not cause that much harm that's a lot of bruises it's impossible that she got that from playing

I didn't notice those because she's been weird these days saying that she can handle herself so I didn't think much of it

I thought she was just being independent

But whatever it is I'll find out

Morning came and I'm now at my office earlier chaechae is still weird but i didn't say anything she might not be ready yet

It's now lunch and I'm having lunch with in sung i told him about chaechae and he said that maybe it's was really from games

"Ah insung-ssi can you please look at chaechae later I'll be late just let her play Hyunbin is busy i don't wanna ask him"

"What's that??!! Haha of course you don't need to ask"

I mouthed him 'Thank you'  and proceed to eat my food while thinking thousand of question

Night came and I'm now at a meeting I'm sure insung is with chaechae already. This meeting is really important so i need to be here if this is not important i will never leave chaechae

20 minutes with the meeting my phone rang i quickly look at it and it's insung i immediately answer it since it might be because of chaechae

"Hello insung ss--"

"Yejin-ah sorry sorry c..chaec...chae she's gone"

I firmly stand up fuming

"What what happened??!!!"

"We go out to get ice cream t..then we're going home I'm doing something in the car I'm sure she's just behind me but when i look s.. she's gone"

I dropped my phone then froze

Chaechae is gone


I'm now arranging some files when i receive a call from yejin

"Yejin ssi why ar-"

"Chaechae's gone help me Bin I don't know what to do"

"G..gone?" I asked confuse

"Eo! she got lost somewhere she's with insung since i still have work they're buying ice cream there she got lost there. Bin help me! I don't know what to do"

"Okay wait for me text me where you are okay?"


Chaechae is gone


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