Chapter 31: Home

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"Yejin ah I'm not minji's father"  He said out of nowhere

"What? What do you mean?"

"I'm not her father" he said sobbing

I feel bad for him even if I don't know what's happening hearing him say those words make me feel bad for him

I mean he love minji so much.

"Ok first calm and go inside" I said and walked us inside the house

"Wait here I'll get you water"

I gave him water and he calm down a little but that doesn't change the fact that he's drunk

"Ok now tell me why are you here? Huh? You can't just barge into peoples house kiss them then say some shocking news to them." I said in a low voice since my chae on is sleeping

He then started laughing I told yah he's drunk "you won't believe what I found"

"This week has been crazy that's why I wasn't able to call or just see chaechae." He said in a drunk voice

"Ok it's ok now sleep here or you can go to the guest room I already prepare some duvet and pillows for you" I said preparing to go up when suddenly a firm grasp held my hand

"Can't you stay?" He said in a sleepy voice

"What are you talking about? Of course I can't" I said sternly

He then sighed then lay down

I take that as a cue to go upstairs.

I was close to sleeping when someone knock at the door.

I let out a huge annoyed sigh then open the door

Like what I expect it's him the infamous Hyunbin

"Why?" I asked

"Can you sleep with me?" Woah! Wait what? That caught me off guard

"Of course not! Go back to sleep you're too drunk" I said annoyed

He then pushed me gently it didn't hurt just enough force for him to come inside since i was blocking the door

Then he close the door. Oh god this guy is really drunk

After he locked the door he lay on my bed. I got annoyed

"Yah! HYUNBIN you need to get up that's my bed! If you want a bed there's a guestroom. Go there!"

He then opened his eyes then looked at me for a couple of second. He then grabbed my arm and held my waist causing me to stumble.

I'm now laying beside him!! And him hugging me!!!

"Yah!! Go away. I know you're in pain about what you said to me earlier but this isn't the right thing to do!! Let go!"

He didn't say anything but he hugged me tighter

After a couple of punch and kicks I gave up he's too strong.

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