Chapter 29: Seeing daddy with... his family??

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I actually felt bad for Hyunbin but what can I do? He deserved it

I looked at chaechae whose now at her room crying

If I felt bad for that bastard I felt baddest for my baby she didn't deserve any of these drama she's too young

I came towards her then hugged her saying sweet nothings to her

"Baby shh it's okay my chaechae mommy's here mommy won't leave my baby ok." She cried harder but nodded

After awhile chaechae stopped crying. Then I bathe her and everything when she's fully done I talked to her again

"Baby don't do that again huh?" I said while combing her hair

"What mommy?"

"The thing that you did to daddy I mean he's wrong he's bad baby but he's still your daddy. And I can see that daddy loves you."

"You don't need to forgive him yet. But give him a chance okay?"

"Yes mommy. I promise. But mommy can you pwomise me that he won't hurt you again? "

"I promise baby don't worry about me okay?"

"Yes mommy. I wuv you soooo much"

"I Love you too baby mommy live you too much."

Then I noticed the thing that Hyun Bin bought chaechae I even noticed the flower he gave for me

"Ah chaechae look at these baby daddy bought these for you look" I said to her pointing to the toys and chocolate he bought

"Daddy bought these for me mommy?"

"Yes, he did"

"I should thank daddy when I saw him again. Mommy don't get me wrong I still hate daddy hihi" she giggled and I did too she's too cute

Not long after I saw her playing with the toys Bin have to her and eating the chocolates

I took a picture of her and send it to Bin

To Hyunbin:


She said thank you daddy but she still hate you hehe😊

I think you should work work work to get her trust Mr.Hyun

Don't get me wrong I still don't approve you but you have the right when it comes to her but if she still hates you it's not my problem ok?

I didn't wait for his reply and shut my phone

He might get chaechae's trust but not mine


This morning is the worst I can't focus at work because I keep thinking about chaechae and Yejin how they hate me and all

I just want to go back there and kneel down to them until night

But I know I can't

Fuck Hyunbin give them time

Then suddenly my phone pings

It's from Yejin it says

From Yejin:


She said thank you daddy but she still hate you hehe😊

I think you should work work work to get her trust Mr.Hyun

Don't get me wrong I still don't approve you but you have the right when it comes to her but if she still hates you it's not my problem ok?

After reading it my heart melt I don't know but I suddenly have the urge to hug chaechae kiss her tell her how much i love her

Earlier my hear is in a fucking million pieces but know oh god they came back together and melted

This is enough for me to start my day

To Yejin:

Thank you so much yejinssi you don't know how that picture makes me happy please tell her i love her


That's it I'm happy

––Joon young Pov––

"Are you happy? Now?" I asked him

"Yeah thank you" he said lovingly

"Ok we're going now huh?"

"Ok promise me you won't be that selfish again cause' you know daddy will give you punishment" he said

"Gross! Bye we're going"


Chaechae and I will go to the park this is just one of our bonding moments because I have a lot of work

We're now getting ready and she's so excited

-At the Park-

We're now at the park just strolling eating chaechae is really happy and I'm happy too

"Mommy can we get ice cream?" She asked me

"Of course Love, let's go let's buy some"

After buying some ice cream we sat on a bench eating ice cream peacefully

I saw chaechae still humming but her face change when she saw something
Her face became sad

"Why baby? What's wrong?" I asked her

"Mommy isn't that daddy?" She said then point at something

I saw Hyunbin with joon young and their daughter

"That's daddy's family right?" She asked before I even answer she said something again

"Daddy looks happy" she said smiling but it didn't reach her eyes she's not happy

Oh God What should I tell her?

The worst part is They saw us.


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