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I woke up really early 'cause i don't think I'm ready to see him. I'm not sure if i will be okay if i see him.

I don't cooked food for him. I don't feel like cooking today. I throw up early in the morning I don't know why maybe because i didn't eat anything last night.

I don't feel really well today so i just left the house. Seeing his belongings makes me more angry. I don't know last night I'm just hurt now i hate him. ahhh I don't know. Ahh i also take the leave today.

I'm now at the mountain near seoul. I just want fresh air and this is the perfect destination. The sky looks beautiful. Looking at the sky makes me happy like i don't have any problems.

Ahh i also make some foods before i left but of course this is only mine i didn't left any for him.

Then i eat at peace.

This day I won't think of anything i just want my problem to disappear. Just this day.


I woke up late than usual. Yejin always wakes me up. She didn't woke me up this morning. I felt strange so i check for her but she's nowhere to be found.

I checked the kitchen table and there's no food but there's a note saying

"I took a leave at the office. I just want to rest so I'm just out somewhere. Don't find me I'm okay"

Okay that's weird. But wait she didn't cooked breakfast for me? I mean when she leave early she still cooks for me even if we don't eat together.

But yeah i just let it maybe she's not in the mood.


When i arrived at the company my secretary says that someone is waiting for me.

And it's joon young. I'm so happy seeing her again I miss her already

When i entered my office she run and hugged me tight. And i return the hug

"Babe, let's go out today. Hm?"

"Where are we going?"

"Just somewhere i just want to spend time with you today. Please?" She said giving me a pout and a puppy eyes

"Tch arrasseo, I'm gonna take a leave"

"Okayyy!!!!" She said expressing her excitement

And yeah we go out. We shop at the mall we also watch a movie and now we're eating.

I suddenly thought of something. I think i should tell her I'm married. I can't lie.

"Joon young ah, I will tell you something important"

She didn't look at me she just keeps eating.

"Joon young ah"

"I won't listen to you until you call me babe" she said still not looking at me

"Babe, i have something to say" I said

"What is it?"

"I'm married"


"But don't misunderstand it it's ahm an arrange marriage don't worry about it were going to have a divorce in a few months we just need to show off to our mothers"

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