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Hyunbin pov

It's been 5 years since that day. I'm now at a park with minji and chaechae

Joon young and insung lived but they're now in a mental hospital since doctors knew that they're taking drugs and not on their right mind. And because of that also i got full custody of minji since joon young didn't register me in her birth certificate as her father

"Daddy i miss mommy" chaechae said

"Yeah daddy me too" minji said

"Aigoo my girls what did mommy tell us? We just need to look at the sky and there she is guiding us isn't she?"

"Yes daddy but why did mommy need to go somewhere far. I miss her. Right minji?" chaechae said

"Yeah eonni"

"Mommy just need to"

It's not really hard taking care of my princess since they are obedient

Days passed we're now at the airport waiting for our flight. I'm with minji and chaechae.

Hours passed we're now at switzerland. This country is like our vacation country if that makes sense

"Daddy look it's so beautiful. I wish mommy is here" Chae chae said. I immediately saw how their face saddened

"It's okay I'm sure if Mommy sees you two happy she will be happy too" i said to cheer them up

"Surprise!!" Someone shout at us

"Mommy!!!!" Minji and chaechae said in unison then run towards the person

Yejin. You guys might get confused but she survived that incident. 2 years after that we dated and got married again haha now she's pregnant again with twins. But now is different because I'm here to support, guide and love her

"Bin-ssi" she called me with an open arms asking for a hug

I walked towards them. My family. My everything

And thank you to That Woman who made all of this possible

-The end-


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