Chapter 28: You hate daddy?

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I got back home i hurriedly go to my room and cry.

I cried until there's no tears left. I might look strong earlier but believe me it's breaking me. I want to break down earlier having a conversation with him is tough.

I'm really scared for tomorrow for the next day and for the other day.

Now that he knows about chaechae I'm sure he would do something to meet my baby


I don't know if that's right to say but who cares

I'm scared to the fact that he already has a family then chaechae and i will enter the picture

I'm scared my baby will bombard me questions why her daddy has a family? Why we can't be a family?

Oh god just thinking about that is stressing me

I checked chaechae to her room and saw that she's in deep slumber. I kissed her forehead and said my goodnight

I checked the clock and saw it was late. Ok, Let's leave everything for tomorrow and let me have a good sleep before facing my life again


I'm now at a bar thinking about my life.

I mean, i just fucked up big time didn't i?

I start to reminisce 4 years ago yejin and i living in the same house playing games, watching movies, laughing together.

Remembering those times makes me happy. Then i started remembering my encounter with chaechae, MY DAUGHTER

That's why we have some similarities from her nose to her hair and special those dimples. I missed almost 4 years of her life.

I missed her fist kick to Yejin's womb her birthday, first cry, first walk, first words, first school day, first everything i missed all of that because of my stupidity.

I don't know what to do now i have a family but i have daughter with yejin and yejin is back with my daughter.

Oh fucking god have mercy help me towards the right path

I'm really scared meeting chaechae what if she don't like me? What if she despise me because I'm not there for her.

My head is full of what if's

I head back home not totally drunk because i might die not seeing my daughter.

When i got in i heard joon young talking to someone

"Fuvk, i let you meet her just stop whining... I'm sure, now i need to go bye"

"Oh god babe! You're there!"

"Yah" i replied weakly

"I'm going to bed." I said again

"Y-yah y-yeah go sleep. You look drunk you need to s-sleep" she said nervously

Not long after darkness got me.


I woke up earlier than usual. I barely slept last night because Hyun Bin and my encounter.

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