CHAPTER 26: The talk

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I actually don't know what I'm thinking but I'm sure there's something inside me telling me to talk to her it's like i want to know something but i don't know that something.

"What's there to talk?" Yejin said in an annoyed voice

"Uhmm.. i just want to know a few things"

Oh god what if she says yes? She doesn't remember me right?

"I remember you" she said maybe she notice my nervousness and uneasiness

"What?" I said in confusion

"I said I REMEMBER YOU. The before our very very first encounter 4 years ago the wedding the night of our wedding how jerk you are when you left me EVERYTHING!"

"H-how?" I asked I don't even know why she forgot me but let's save that for later

"It's a looong story"

"Now if you excuse me!"

"You should go to your wife now BECAUSE i burned her if you keep talking to me she must be an ash when you see her. Now go to your BURNED WIFE!"

Oh god where did she get that confidence??!!

"Ok but we need to talk" i said to her

"What's there to tal-" she got cut off


Before she step i caught her wrist

"We need to talk. Please"

She just stares at me

"Mommy aren't you coming? Let's go mommy want to see halmeoni and harabeoji."

"Ok baby"

"Oh I'm sorry mommy i didn't see you and ahjussi are still talking"

"It's okay my love" Yejin said i saw her eyes twinkling with love

She then looked at me that love disappeared quickly she lookd at me with...with annoyance

"Please" i plead


"My number is 010-95******"

She said in a hurry she then run towards her daughter

F*ck that's fast but i got it all. I then saved her number to my phone.

I suddenly remember joon young oh god

When i got there her wrist are still tied up.

"Babe fuck help me that bitch tied me really tight"

I help her then and help her to stand we got to our car with minji she's asleep with her nanny

Oh god this is a long day I'm really tired


When we arrived home chaechae is fast asleep because of the drama that happened just a few hours ago

"So.... Are you sure?? You will meet him when he calls you?" In sung ask like a concern father

"Yeah no worries let mw handle it"

"Ok but BUT if something happens please please call me okay?"

"My god insung ssi are you my father? Haha don't worry nothing will happen."

A few minutes after someone's calling me

Unknown Number

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Ah Yejinssi-"

"Ah Hyun Bin ssi. Why?"

"I want to ask if you want to talk later 6pm?"



"Ok let's meet later"

"Thank you I'll text you the address"

"It should be only the two of us"

Before he can answer i hung up the call

(~ ̄³ ̄)~(~ ̄³ ̄)~(~ ̄³ ̄)~

I'm now at our meeting place i saw him sitting there in one of a formal attires well... I can say he's handsome

I sit infront of him that caught him off guard

"So.... Is there something to talk about?" I asked

"Ahh yeahh there is but let's order first"

We're now eating it's really awkward so i really want to end this

"So what's there to talk?" I asked nonchalantly

"Ahh there's uhmm.. there's a lot of uhmm.... Things that bothers me uhmm.. yeah I want to ask those"

"My god Bin cut the crap what's that? I'm not a fortune teller or you want to play what's on your mind? Huh? Say it"

"Ok I'll start asking" he said

"Why did you forget me four years ago?"

"That one is... I got into an accident plane crash i lost my memories"

"Oh sorry about that" he said looking sad? Guilty? My god why is he looking like that

"How did you remember me?" He asked again

"Well when we talked at the cafe four years ago after that i passed out then then remember everything a about you"

"You passed out that day? Where?"

"At the cafe after you left"

"Shit I'm sorry I didn't know" he said looking really guilty

"It's okay past is past. Anymore question?"

"Ahmm are you married?"

Oh god this is it he's trying to know chaechae's father


He looked at me



He looked really fucking confuse now.
Oh god i know his next question.

"Then who's the father of your kid? Chaechae right?"



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Hi guys I'll promise to update more often especially now that we don't have online classes anymore

Thanks for reading this chapter
Love lots💕( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥

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