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Once the brothers returned home, Boss opened the door and suddenly paused, and with Red not paying attention, he walked into Boss.

"shit- sorry boss-" noticing how Boss didn't react, Red raised his brow, confused. "uh... boss?" Red leaned to the side a little bit, to try and see Boss' face. Boss' face was... grim. He seemed absent minded, which wasn't like him. Red tried again, tapping Boss' arm, "..boss?" Immediately, Boss grabbed Red's hand, and squeezed it tightly. "woah-!" Red's eye flared for a moment from surprise. Boss lowered his head, mumbling something. Red gulped, shaking a little bit, Boss' grip tightening, "h-hey! you're kinda squeezin' me a bit hard here, boss..!"

"..ere..." Boss muttered, his body trembling slightly.

"h-huh? could you say that again-?"

" are here." Boss repeated, making Red flinch in surprise.

"uh, yeah.." Red gulped again, feeling some sweat bead up on his forehead. Red cleared his throat, "h-how about we go inside, yeah..? it's cold out." Scooting past Boss, he walked the both of them inside, as Boss still held onto Red's hand. "let's sit you down, 'kay?" Red lead Boss to the couch, having him sit down. "now let me get the door-woah!" Boss pulled Red towards him, making Red stumble backwards. "boss, what're you doin'?!" Red snapped, feeling slightly irritable with Boss' sudden clinginess.

"Don't go-"

Red ripped his hand away from Boss', "what are ya', a baby bones? 'm just goin' to close the damn door!" Grumbling to himself, he walked towards the door, finally closing it. With his hand still on the door, he sighed, looking down. why is boss actin' like this? sheesh... Red thought, taking his hand off the door and walking back to the couch. He stepped in front of Boss, who was staring at the ground and knelt down, looking up at him. He grabbed Boss' ankles, shaking them. "'m right here, boss... 'm right here." He sighed, closing his eyes, leaning his forehead against Boss' knee. Boss lifted his hand, setting it on Red's head, making Red flinch.

"Yes... you are right... You are here now." Boss' voice sounded unsure, but at the same time, assured. It was like he wasn't sure if he truly had Red back again or not... if this was all just a dream. Red sighed again, lifting his head up off of Boss' knee.

"let's go to bed, yeah? 'think we both need it." Red chuckled slightly, getting up onto his feet and reaching his hand out.

Boss looked up before sighing, "I suppose you are right, aren't you?" Boss grabbed onto Red's hand and got himself up off of the couch.

"it's called brothers intuition, boss... you've got dark circles, too." Red said jokingly, though the statement held nothing but truth. Boss nodded as Red started walking, lightly dragging Boss behind him. The both of them walked up the stairs, up to Boss' room. Red hesitantly opened the door, walking inside. "go ta' bed, boss. 'know i'll be in my room if ya' need anything." Red chuckled, having those familiar yet unfamiliar words come out of his mouth. just like when he was a baby bones... Red thought, not helping the small smile crawling up to his mouth. Letting go of Boss' hand, he walked towards the door, unsuspectingly, Boss wrapped his arms around Red, making him jump. "jeez, boss... you sure are clingy today, aren't ya'?" Red shook his head, smiling slightly. He put his hand over Boss' arm, patting it a few times. "but ya' needa let me sleep, too, ya' know..." Red sighed, slowly but surely, he was starting to get used to Boss' familiar clinginess that he used to have when he was younger.

"You are not going to leave, are you?" Boss inquired softly, his arms still wrapped around Red. "..back to Undertale." Boss muttered, looking down.

Red sighed once again, shaking his head, "'course not, boss. again, i'll be in my room, right next 'ta yours, a'ight?" Red turned his head around slightly, to look at Boss' face. Boss went silent for a few moments before letting go of Red. Red's body finally relaxed and slumped a little. He turned around and smiled, "i'll be next door, a'ight?" Boss nodded, and Red smiled again before turning his heel and heading out of the bedroom. He wrapped his hand around the door knob and closed the door behind him. He walked towards his room, hands in his jacket pockets. He stepped in front of his door and stared at it for a few moments before opening it and walking inside. He slowly closed the door behind him, a large exhale coming from him. He leaned his back against the door and slid down to the floor. He put his hand over his chest, inhaling sharply and closing his eyes. fuckin' hell... what's wrong with 'em? why's he actin' like that? Red put his hands over his face, furrowing his 'brows' in slight irritation. boss hasn't acted like that since he was a baby bones... Red dropped his hands down, setting them on the floor. He didn't know how to wrap his head around the whole situation. This has never happened before... though, what happened earlier today hasn't happened before either. What's wrong with him? Red seriously considered if something happened to Boss or not... like, mentally. Red shook his head, getting himself out of this thoughts. it's time for bed... 'm dead tired. Red couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at his pun, despite it being short-lived. He heaved himself up off of the floor and he slipped his shoes off while he walked towards his bed. Once he reached his bed, he belly flopped onto it, the new mattress feeling nice on his bones. "jeez, boss, why'd you get me a new mattress..?" Red thought out loud, closing his eyes. "such a weirdo..." Red muttered, finding himself much more exhausted than he initially thought, and soon, he was sucked into sleep.

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