Spiraling Down.

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Classic had spent hours searching the whole Underground for Red; both by foot, and teleportation combined. He walked and combed through every place he knew of in the Underground, and for areas unreachable by foot... he teleported there. But despite all of his efforts, Red was nowhere to be found. Had he honestly gone back to Underfell? Classic still couldn't believe it. You'd think with all of the searching he's done it'd hit Classic sooner than later, but... 

Classic squatted down and put his hands over his head, squeezing his eyes shut. He couldn't believe it; Red actually left him. He couldn't help but think over so many different outcomes and possibilities that it made his head want to explode. Is he okay? Is he hurt? Is he even alive? All of the anxiety made him want to throw up. Classic didn't know why he was having such a strong reaction because of Red; was it just... obsession? He didn't know; his head hurt too much, not to mention, his bones, too. From all the walking, teleporting, and worrying, it was really starting to take a toll on his body- and it's only been some odd hours since he learned of the incident in the first place. 

Upon opening his eyes back up, he heaved himself up to stand, immediately feeling light-headed as he did so. He put his hand on his head, squeezing his eyes shut once again, trying to curb his dizziness. He shook his head before he dropped his hand down and looked up, his eyes glazing over slightly; he was zoning out. 

Then, his phone started to ring, bringing him back to the present; it was Papyrus. 

He blinked a few times before answering it as nonchalantly as possible, "sup, bro?" 

"OH, FINALLY YOU HAVE PICKED UP! I'VE BEEN WORRIED ABOUT YOU, BROTHER!" Papyrus' voice sounded concerned, making Classic raise his brow.

"whaddya mean, paps?-"

"I'VE TEXTED YOU A FEW TIMES, BUT YOU NEVER ANSWERED! SO I GOT WORRIED AND CALLED YOU, BUT YOU DIDN'T ANSWER THOSE EITHER!" Papyrus sounded frustrated and worried through the phone; had he really been so focused he didn't even hear his phone? Classic put his hand on his skull and slid his hand across his skull before scratching the back of his head.

"heh, sorry 'bout that paps, 'was a bit preoccupied with something." Classic forced a grin onto his face, even despite Papyrus not being able to see him.

There was then a long pause from Papyrus, making Classic nervous, and before he could say something Papyrus interrupted, "..ARE YOU OKAY, SANS?" Classic's soul skipped a beat at Papyrus' question; it caught him off guard. 

Classic gulped, nervous sweat forming on his skull, "eh? whaddya mean? 'course i'm alright."

There was another long pause before Papyrus spoke again, his voice quieter than before, "You didn't say a pun like you usually do. You had the perfect chance to, and yet..." his voice trailed off at the end. Classic froze up, his eye-lights disappearing for a moment before he eventually looked down, a long sigh escaping from his teeth.

"we..." Classic started, "we need to talk when i get home." 

Papyrus went quiet again before he replied, "Okay..." he didn't want to press the matter anymore over the phone. He knew his brother; when he gets serious like this... it usually means something happened; and not something good. Papyrus had a few scenarios in his head, but let them go to allow Classic to explain once he got home.

Classic stared forward into nothing before stating, "i'll be there in a bit," before hanging up the phone. He looked over at his phone history and noticed he did have a few missed calls from Papyrus. Must've really made him nervous, huh? Classic put his hand over his head again, gritting his teeth; he just wanted to sleep. He didn't feel like explaining everything to Papyrus; it was such a hassle. But he knew he had to; he couldn't leave Papyrus out of it, cause he was involved too. But... still. Classic sighed before shoving his phone back in his pocket and teleporting to his house.

Classic arrived at the front door of his home and opened the door, walking inside to see Papyrus pacing in front of the couch. He didn't seem to notice Classic right away, but once he closed the door, Papyrus looked up and over at Classic, a worried, yet somehow relieved expression on his face. But suddenly, all of the relief on his face drained once he saw Red wasn't with Classic, and before he could say anything about it, Classic spoke.

"let's... sit down for this, okay?" Papyrus' face contorted in worry; this was one of the scenarios he was most worried about. But, not stalling any longer, he sat down on the couch, Classic following suit shortly after. As soon as Classic sat down, the exhaustion that was piling up behind his adrenaline let loose, and his vision darkened for a moment, making him put his hand up to his forehead.

Noticing Classic's movements, Papyrus asked nervously, reaching forward, "Are you okay, Sans?"

"ugh... i- yeah...  just- just gimme a second..." Classic murmured, a booming headache forming in his skull, making his thoughts all jumbled. Papyrus' eyes narrowed and he clenched his teeth for a moment before standing up, making Classic's head turn toward him. By turning his head too quickly, his head throbbed painfully, making him groan. 

"You are clearly unwell, brother... let's... save this until you are better, okay?" Papyrus suggested, despite him wanting to know where Red was and why Classic was like this. Classic couldn't help but feel somehow.. offended? He groaned again before shaking his head, but regretfully so; it made his head throb more.

"i- no, it's fine- just- hold on-" Classic stuttered, his words jumbling together while he weakly put his hand up. Papyrus sighed before shaking his head and taking a few steps toward Classic and kneeling down.

"Sans, you are unwell. You can deny it all you want, however, I will not be listening to a word you say until you are better." Papyrus stated firmly, catching Classic off guard once again. God, he hated it when Papyrus did this. Classic grit his teeth before clutching the note that he kept in his pocket and took it out, shoving it into Papyrus, making him jump. Without saying any more, Classic stood up and shakily walked to the stairs, a hand on his head and the other on the railing. Papyrus turned his head toward Classic, who was obviously struggling to just get up the stairs; he was so exhausted; mentally and physically. Despite wanting to see what Classic gave to him, he got up and decided to help his brother. "Come on, Brother... let's get you to bed." Papyrus then lifted Classic up, walking up the stairs effortlessly compared to him. Classic furrowed his 'brows' and closed his eyes, somehow irritated with the whole situation; he couldn't even walk up the stairs? Really? But, realistically speaking, he subconsciously knew this was going to happen; he was so tired he could feel himself start to doze off in Papyrus' arms. 

Once at Classic's room, Papyrus opened the door and walked inside before setting Classic onto his bed. As soon as Classic's bones hit the mattress, they sunk right into it, welcoming it with open arms. His body quickly gave in to the exhaustion and Classic practically fell asleep right away, Papyrus somehow feeling pity for Classic. He sighed before exiting Classic's room and heading back downstairs to the living room, where he left the paper. 

He sat himself down on the couch and grabbed the crumpled-up piece of paper, gently opening it. He immediately recognized the handwriting, but it was different somehow... was it Red's? He narrowed his eyes and began to read the note, practically unaware of all of the emotions that were yet to come from reading said note.

Papyrus now knew why Classic was in such a state; despite Red not wanting to be looked for, Classic did so anyways... Papyrus' face turned grim while he gulped, "This is not good..." He already knew that this was just the beginning of Classic's fall downwards. 




Helloooo!~ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's short(you know I love leaving you on cliff hangers), but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Anyways! I hope you have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/evening!


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