Momentary Relaxation.

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When Classic woke up, his bones ached and felt stiff. He sat up and stretched, his bones popping and crackling at the release of tension. He then looked out the window and noticed it was slightly brighter than it was earlier; meaning it was probably the afternoon. He pulled out his phone from his shorts' pocket and turned it on, checking the time.

It was around lunchtime. He only slept for a few more hours, huh? Kind of surprised him. He turned his phone off and got out of bed before putting his phone back in his pocket. He walked towards the door at a lax pace, as he was still waking up. He wrapped his hand around the doorknob while he yawned, tears forming in his eyes. Opening the door, he stepped out of the dark room and into the light hallway. Not bothering to close the door behind him, he instinctively walked towards the spare room where Red was. He stood in front of the door before he knocked on it a few times, waiting for a reply as he did earlier. 

Still, no response. 

He grit his teeth slightly before opening the door slightly, taking a peek inside, but to no avail; he couldn't see in the dark. He opened the door a bit more to allow some light in the room, just like before... and still, Red laid on the bed, probably in the same spot where he was before; he hadn't moved. Classic walked towards Red quietly, feeling nervous; he didn't like how Red was being still as stone... he couldn't help but feel freaked out. He pulled up Red's HP, checking it;


He gained .15 HP-how did he gain that much in such a short amount of time? He narrowed his eyes- was he really asleep for just a few hours after he went back to bed? He felt sweat start to form on his head, and he checked his HP, and lo and behold, he was at full health. He then turned his heel and headed straight out of the room, quickly closing the door behind him before heading to the dining area. 

There, he saw Toriel on her chair, reading a book, and noticing movement, she looked up, her eyes widening immediately. She put her book down and took off her glasses, getting up quickly, she had a worried expression planted on her face. Classic didn't like how she was reacting... it only made him believe more that he hadn't been sleeping for just a few hours. Toriel rushed towards Classic, quickly kneeling in front of him and grabbing his hands, holding them tightly.

"Are you alright?" Toriel asks quickly, her eyes focused on Classic. "You were asleep for two days!" Classic blinked a few times, processing her words, and his suspicions being correct. 

Classic grinned nervously, chuckling dryly, "heh, guess i was dead tired, huh?" Toriel only glared at his joke; she seemed serious. Classic's grin disappeared quickly as he looked down at the floor, "i... i dunno, tori," he looked back up at Toriel, "you tell me?" Toriel let go of Classic's hands, the air feeling cold on his bones once her warmth left.

"I am assuming it was a side effect of the healing... but... I didn't expect you to sleep for this long." Toriel admitted, worry still covering her features. Classic nodded along; he had a feeling it had something to do with that; subconsciously, of course. 

"and what about red? has he woken up at all while i was sleeping?" Classic asked, his thoughts immediately jumping towards Red. 

Toriel's expression turned grim while she slowly shook her head, "No, not once." Classic felt his soul drop for a moment, how could he had not woken up by now? Not once?

"are you sure? maybe he was awake for a little bit while you weren't checking on him-"

"He hasn't moved one inch from where I put him two days ago." Toriel interrupted, her voice firm and words punctual; she was trying to prove a point. Classic's mouth gaped open for a moment before he looked towards the room, his worry bubbling up even more. "However," Toriel began, "I don't find it... too unreasonable. Especially when considering how your body reacted." Classic physically paused before he turned his head back to look at Toriel, "You slept for two days, and your health was fuller than Red's. He may... just take longer to wake up, considering how his original state was." Classic couldn't help but nod, her explanation sounded reasonable and somewhat comforting; it gave him confidence that Red would eventually wake up. He'd just... take a bit longer. 

Classic's soul ached at the thought; he just wanted to apologize and make up with Red. He hated the dark cloud lingering over his head and the tense atmosphere filling up the house. Not to mention, he didn't want to make Toriel worry anymore; she has already done more than enough. 

"yeah..." Classic sighed, "you're right," Toriel smiled sadly, she knew it was hard on him. 

She then stood up, brushing her knees slightly before heading towards the kitchen, "You have some more pie to eat up, Sans!" Classic blinked a few times, pausing for a moment before closing his eyes and looking down, chuckling.

"yeah, i'll be right there, tori."

The afternoon passed rather quickly, and evening eventually rolled in. Besides Toriel doing the medical check-ups again and checking up on Red periodically, she and Classic ended up reading books and playing cards together to pass the time. Classic texted Papyrus every now and then to keep him in the loop, annoying him every once and a while with a barrage of puns, making Toriel laugh. It was a fairly pleasant evening, to say the least; the tense atmosphere lifted, even for just a while, and eventually, it was past evening, and now night.

Classic scratched at his teeth, he hadn't brushed them in a few days... he felt gross, to say the least. Surprising, right?

"hey, uh, tori?" Classic called nervously, attracting the other monster's attention, "do you, uh, have a spare toothbrush?" Toriel blinked a few times before chuckling and putting her hand over her mouth, making Classic's cheeks warm up in embarrassment.

"I do, in fact," Toriel smiled, putting her hand on her chest while she caught her breath from her laughter. "It is in the bathroom in the cabinet on the left. It should still be in its packaging." He nodded and thanked Toriel and headed to the bathroom quickly, wanting to escape the embarrassing situation. He knew he could've just teleported to his house and grabbed his toothbrush, but he didn't want to leave Red, even if he's still sleeping. That, and he didn't want to miss when Red wakes up. The situation was embarrassing to him was because Toriel knew that he could just teleport and then come back, but the fact that he didn't... well... actions speak louder than words in this case. 

Classic got the toothbrush and just scrubbed his teeth, he didn't want to go back and ask for toothpaste, too. He just rinsed his mouth with water a lot until he felt like it was good enough. He ended up looking at himself in the mirror- he hadn't seen himself for a while and seeing himself now... well, you know. He had dark circles and was still covered in bandages, as Toriel said that even though he was at full health, it doesn't mean that he's completely healed. Yeah, he didn't get it either, but he just listened and did as she said. Classic sighed before exiting the bathroom and going to the spare room one more time before he went to bed. He opened the door and looked inside, checking on Red, and just like before, he was still lying there motionless. Classic's head dropped down in defeat before he eventually closed the door again, heading back to the room he was assigned to. He walked in and closed the door behind him, sluggishly crawling into the bed before just lying there and staring at the wall. He curled up and grit his teeth, he had really hoped to see Red wake up. But, as Toriel said, it'd probably take some more time; he was just impatient. He took out his phone and sent a quick update to Papyrus before he turned it off and set it aside. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, his bones sinking deeper into the mattress with his exhale. He didn't feel exactly tired, but at the same time, he did. He had slept for two days, so you'd think he'd be fine, but his body said otherwise. His mind gradually became blank, and his breathing mellowed out slowly, and soon, he fell asleep, his mind now wandering in subconscious dreams.




Hello again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, despite it being a little short(I think??). This is basically a filler chapter before the bigger, more important chapter begins. Anyways! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you guys in the next one!


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