I'm Sorry. (NSFW)

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Classic's voice was muffled by Red's jacket, but Red sighed as he understood what Classic had said. Unfortunately, he didn't really know how to respond, as he wasn't sure himself if all of this was over. If all of this was truly over.

He sighed again, "yeah...i'll-we-will try to work through this... i... i promise." Before he had time to even think his sentence over, he had realized, he made a promise-a very difficult promise to keep.

Classic gripped his arms tighter around Red as he cried harder, "thank you..." He mumbled. Tears soaked into Red's jacket-but Red didn't care, he wanted Classic to stop crying... It wasn't fair. Nothing about this situation was fair. Suddenly, there was a small knock on the door, Classic lifted his head from Red and looked at the door. Red turned his head towards the door as well, as there was then a voice coming from the other side.

"I-IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT IN THERE?" Papyrus asked as he then looked down, "I... I HEAR CRYING..."

Red sighed, "yeah, everythin's alright paps-just, give us a few more minutes."

"WELL, A-ALRIGHT..! TAKE YOUR TIME..." Papyrus said disappointingly as there was then footsteps heading away from the door.

Classic looked at Red and Red looked back. "i'm sorry for this..." Classic sniffled as he wiped his wet face from the tears. 

he still seems really upset... Red thought as a small worried expression played across his face for a few moments. i could help..somehow... i mean, i do love him so... maybe..? Red contemplated his thoughts silently as Classic looked at Red. "uh..you okay red..? you're lookin' kinda.. red..heh." Classic chuckled softly.

"e-eh? n-nah, i'm-i'm fine..." Red stuttered as he looked away, his face was burning up.

"ya' sure? it doesn't seem like you're fine." Classic avowed, smirking slightly.

"i'm fine!" Red stressed as he looked at Classic, his face a deep red.

"damn, what are you thinking about in there?" Classic asked, tapping on Red's skull, still smirking.

Red's eyes widened slightly and blushed even more. "agh! stop!" Red whined as he then threw up his hood, hiding his face while he turned his body the other way.

Classic started laughing. "is that seriously whats goin' on in your head right now?" Classic's face blushed a light blue at the thought.

Red turned back around and yelled, "n-no! i-i'm not thinking of tha-!" 

"you ain't thinking of what?" Classic interrupted, inching somewhat closer to Red's face as he set his hand on Red's shoulder. Red's blush continued to deepen with this sudden 'drama,' but he crossed his arms and looked away. Red was for sure a perverted person-he just doesn't like to admit it. "because..." Classic inched towards Red's 'ear' and whispered, "..i think you are..." Classic smirked as he then drew his hand to Red's glowing red erection. Red tensed up as his eyes widened in shock. "body's don't lie, red..~" Classic reminded as he started to rub Red's boner gently. "so.. what are you thinking about, red?"Classic asked as he still had that smirk on his face.

"n-nothin'..." Red lied as he looked away, clenching his teeth together from the sensations.

Classic smirked, "you're thinkin' about me, aren't ya'?" Red's body tensed as he stayed silent-he didn't want to answer-even though, it was true. Classic sneered at Red's silence as he slowly added pressure to his rubbing motions as he then pushed Red to the ground. Red started to shake and buck his hips upward slightly as he kept his moans restrained.

"ngh..s-stop.." Red choked out as he grit his teeth.

"you're the one moving your hips, red..~" Classic teased as his face turned a darker blue. Red fell silent as he squeezed his eyes shut as he covered his mouth with his hand. Classic was clearly enjoying this-not just that he is able to mess with Red, but to now know that Red loves him. A small smile curled on his mouth as he continued to massage Red's boner. Classic's free hand then slid under Red's sweatshirt, and sweater to grab Red's soul. Once Classic grabbed the soul he instantly pulled it out of Red's rib cage.

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