Concerned Reassurance.

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By the time Classic woke up, he had a strange feeling in his bones; something didn't feel right... something was missing; a presence.

He sat up and knitted his 'brows' together, confused as to why he felt almost sick. Could it be another side effect of the healing? He should probably ask Toriel about it later. Yawning and shaking the strange feeling off, he got up and out of bed scratching the back of his neck. He walked to the door and opened it, becoming startled after seeing Toriel standing there. She looked startled too... but she also looked really anxious; freaking out, even.


"Have you seen Red?" Toriel asked abruptly, the anxiety on her face was vibrating throughout her voice.

Classic raised his 'brow,' confused, "huh? no- i just got up- wait, he's awake?" Toriel only gulped at Classic's reply, putting her hand over her mouth, a strained expression on her face.

"He's not in his room," she says quietly, pursing her lips together with worry.

Classic's features sunk, his face turning grim, " ..what?" his eye lights disappeared as soon as he processed Toriel's words. No wonder he felt strange this morning. Toriel looked like she was on the verge of tears, but why would she be crying? If anything, Classic should be; but... he didn't; he couldn't. If anything, he just felt... angry? Betrayed? He wasn't sure what he was feeling either.

"I thought... you might have seen him..." Toriel muttered, almost in defeat. Classic clenched his teeth, shaking his head; he was just as blind-sighted as she was.

"have you looked in the ruins?" Classic asked, his voice almost monotone, as he looked up at Toriel.

Toriel shook her head, her face looking grimmer than before, "Well... you see..." she sighs before slowly unfolding a piece of paper that was surprisingly in her hand. Classic didn't like the look of all this; he had plenty reason to. Toriel then handed him the piece of paper; it had Classic's type of handwriting on it, but it was slightly different; it was Red's. Classic clenched his teeth as he began to read the note.

"dear classic, toriel, and anyone else reading,

so... this is kinda awkward, and i'm not the greatest at.. well, writing shit out, so i'll just get to the point here;
i'm going back to underfell; my universe. i know you guys probably want to look for me and all... but please, don't. i've caused you guys too much trouble already. that's the reason why i'm heading back... i don't wanna burden you guys anymore. you guys are good monsters, and i'm a good-for-nothing piece of shit... always have been.
anyways, i just wanted to thank you guys for all that you've done for me. i know i could never be able to pay back all the kindness you gave me... but, since i was the main cause of all your problems... i thought that.. well, i should go, you know? i guess that's the best thing i can do to pay you back if that makes sense. sorry, i'm not good at explaining shit... i guess i can only hope you understand. though, i don't really expect you to understand where i'm coming from. i know i make rash decisions, but... i've thought about this for a while now... and i thought it was about time.
oh, and toriel? thanks for everything. i mean that, for whatever that's worth, especially coming from a monster like me. you've helped in more ways than one... and i thank you for that; truly.
you too, classic. thanks for everything, despite our... rough patch. i know you probably hate my nonexistent guts...haha. sorry. i don't expect you to understand where i was coming from either; probably why we got into that fight in the first place. and i'm sorry about that... i really am. i hope you're doing okay, and have healed well.
anyways, sorry for rambling so much. i doubt you guys even read all this... or maybe you did. i wouldn't know. thank you either way. running out of room... so i hope you guys can live a peaceful life now. thank you for everything.


Classic's hands shook and gripped the paper, almost tearing it as he read the note. 

what the hell? Classic thought, what the hell?! His body trembled at his bubbling emotions, and Toriel could do nothing but watch; she didn't know what to do, and neither did Classic. Both of them seemed to be dealing with the situation differently. Red couldn't be serious... could he? He spent all that time and effort just to leave Underfell just to go back again? Seriously? Classic's body trembled in anger and fear; he didn't know what to do with all of this pent up emotion before another thought came to his mind. Maybe he should go to the Ruins to cool off... just like how Red did. The more certain situations arise, the more he started to understand where Red was coming from; he couldn't help but feel even more frustrated with himself.

"Should we... go get him?" Toriel meekly asked, she seemed like she hit a wall with her thought process. She didn't know what else to do, what else to think of. That seemed like the best option for right now.

Classic shook his head, but hesitantly so, "no," his reply seemed to catch Toriel off guard; she didn't expect Classic to turn her down so quickly, or at all, for that matter. But before she could say anything, Classic continued, "he said... he didn't want us looking for 'em. 'also said he's been thinking about going back for a while now. so... he must have some sort of plan.  he wouldn't go back without thinking of the consequences..." Classic sighed, "at least, i hope so..." his voice dropped down to a whisper, as if he was trying to reassure himself with his statement. Toriel stared at Classic for a while before she let out a long sigh, nodding shortly after.

"Yes... I... I suppose you are right. I suppose you would know more about him than I would, would you not?" Classic's breath hitched in his throat with Toriel's reply; did he really know that much about Red? Did he really? Before questioning himself more, he simply nodded, wanting to dismiss the conversation as a whole. Toriel couldn't help but smile, but it was still filled with worry. Toriel looked... reassured, if anything; Classic's words meant a whole lot more than Classic initially thought himself. "Well," Toriel begins, "let's call this your last check up then, alright? Then you can go home to Papyrus." Classic flinched at her words, he didn't know why, but it felt wrong to leave the Ruins, especially without Red; a huge void appeared within him as soon as Red left.

Classic nodded in reply, "yeah... okay." With that, the two of them headed to the dining room table once again, and began the check up, just as if they were programmed to do so; it has happened so many times, it just became natural to the both of them; second-nature, if you will.

The check up ended smoothly and quickly, there was nothing else to really look at on Classic's body, as all of the visible wounds have healed. So, all in all, he had fully recovered, and the residual side effects should be minimal, or not even there, as most of them had passed already. Both of the monsters were fairly silent, they both felt like they couldn't speak; the atmosphere was suffocating.

Classic and Toriel walked to the exit of the Ruins, and Classic thanked her one last time before he left through the two large doors. The cold air pressed against his bones as he stepped onto the snow. He shoved his hands into his sweatshirt's pockets and looked up and stared into nothing. He exhaled, a puff of his clouded breath appearing in front of him. This whole ordeal felt like a dream; no, a nightmare; one he just wanted to wake up from already. He knew he said before that he shouldn't look for Red, but... he felt his mind clawing at his skull; he couldn't just sit and do nothing.

Classic put his hand over his face and grumbled softly, "agh, shit..." he couldn't help but give in to his desires to look for Red. He started to tread forward, his eyes looking left and right, up and down... his eyes looking for one thing; Red.


Oh boy. Its been a long time since I've updated, huh? Well, I've got an explanation for my absence, so don't worry.
So, the short of it is that I got into a little... accident. Sprained my ankle and got 27 something stitches in my leg. So I've been having some TLC time... kinda. Still had to go to work though. So my schedule has been pretty packed lately. And because of this, updates are going to come out slower than normal...
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's a bit short, but I wanted to get at least something out there for you guys. Again, i hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/evening!


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