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Red looked at the door as it closed, "..i'm sorry..." Red muttered, his voice cracking from crying. Red looked back down at the floor, tears dripping onto the carpet beneath him. He tried to grip at the carpet as he then just balled his hands into fists, his body starting to curl up as he squeezed his eye shut. Sobs then started to escape his mouth while he just curled up on the floor, wrapping his hands around his arms as his body shook heavily. "..i wanna die,  j-just let me die..." Red sobbed quietly as he then squeezed his arms against his body as another round of tears and shaking rammed against his body. His arm throbbed in pain while he pressed it against his body more, making him grit his teeth. stop fuckin' cryin' ya' fucker.. Red thought in frustration, unfortunately, it only made him cry harder-he was being too harsh on himself...

"What is going on up there? Why are you letting him stay up there alone? Crying?" Papyrus asked as he looked over at Classic; who was just staring at the floor. "Sans?" Papyrus called quietly, trying to gain his brother's attention as he leaned forward, trying to get his head in Classic's view.

Classic blinked as he then turned his head to face Papyrus, "yeah, bro?" 

"Why are we not checking on Red?" Papyrus inquired, raising a 'brow', "He is crying." Papyrus furrowed his 'brows' slightly as he stared at Classic, waiting for a response.

Classic sighed as he looked down, "he wanted me to leave 'em alone, so i did."

Papyrus shook his head, "Well, I am going to check on him. You can stay here if you want." Papyrus then got up and headed to the stairs.

"paps, no, he wanted to be left alone..." Classic called lightly, as he too, got up, walking towards Papyrus slightly.

"Sans, he is crying! I have said this many times already... If you were crying I would come to help you too-even if you did not want me to." Papyrus said firmly as he then sighed, closing his eyes for a few moments. "I just need to make sure he is okay." Papyrus then started walking up the stairs, while Classic was left downstairs defeated, his eyes just followed where Papyrus went. 

A few moments later, Papyrus knocked on the door, "Red? Are you alright?" Papyrus asked gently as the room then fell dead silent. Papyrus raised his 'brow', it had gotten quiet quite fast... Without another word, Papyrus walked into the room, and looked around-Red wasn't in there. 

Classic gained a worried expression as he then started speed walking up the stairs, "where's red?" Classic asked, his voice sounded urgent, and concerned.

"..I don't know." Papyrus replied, his eyes glued on the room, vaguely hoping that he just missed Red, maybe he was just hiding? There was plenty of trash laying around in Classic's room after all. Papyrus then started searching the room, hoping that Red was just hiding and not actually gone... Classic just stood by the door, staring at his brother pointlessly search for Red.

"he ain't in here, paps..." Classic sighed while closing his eyes.

"I-I just... I don't know..." Papyrus looked down, worry covering his face. Classic looked down as well, an awkward, tense silence filling the room. Classic's eyes widened while they went empty, his body started to shake slightly. Papyrus looked up to see Classic shaking, "S-Sans?" Papyrus asked worriedly. "What is wrong?"

"..th-there's blood... o-on the floor..." Classic said shakily as he covered his mouth, he looked as if he was about to throw up. Papyrus gasped while his eyes widened as soon as he followed his brother's gaze, he too, covered his mouth, shocked. 

"..What did he do?" Papyrus asked hesitantly while he took his hand away from his mouth.

"i-i don't know." Classic muttered shortly. and i don't want to know... He thought, starting to feel sweat roll down his skull.

A Painful Love (KUSTARD SANSCEST)Where stories live. Discover now