Questions. (NSFW Cont.)

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Papyrus' eyes flicked open once the sound of loud sobs came into hearing range. Papyrus got up and looked around, his eyes then drawn to the bathroom door. WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE..? Papyrus thought, his expression becoming worried. He then headed up the stairs, walking towards the door quietly.

He knocked on the door, "IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT IN THERE?" Papyrus inquired while he just stared at the door, waiting for a response from the other side.

The sobbing continued.

"SANS? RED? ARE YOU BOTH ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked again, he was getting really concerned... There was still no response. "I..." Papyrus paused as he went to his room to grab a key. He then came out and walked back up to the bathroom door. "..I'M COMING IN!" Papyrus announced as he then unlocked the door, pushing it open carefully. The door pressed against Red's back gently, but Red didn't seem to acknowledge it, as he was still crying. Classic, on the other hand, looked up, concern and worry was written all across his face. Well, it wasn't Classic who was crying-this time. Papyrus scooted his way into the bathroom to see what was going on-and to see if he could help in any way. Once he got in, he closed the door quietly as he then headed over to Classic, sitting down next to him a few moments later. "Red, breathe." Papyrus instructed, his voice level dropping down significantly. Red continued to cry, but his breathing did stutter/hitch slightly-he was trying to get his breathing under control, but he couldn't. Papyrus set his hand on Red's shoulder, "Red... We're here with you." Papyrus said reassuringly, a small smile forming on his face. Classic sighed softly as he looked down for a few moments until he then looked back up, taking his hand away from Red's wrist, using his thumb to wipe Red's tears away.

"we're here for ya', red-like what pap said." Classic assured as he squeezed Red's foot for a few moments-for comfort reasons. Classic then let go of Red's other wrist as he then leaned his skull forward, pressing it against Red's gently, closing his eyes. Classic then held Red's hands, squeezing them every now and then, making Red know that he, and Papyrus were there for him. Red sniffled as left over tears were drained from his eyes, bringing some amount of relief to him.

"..i'm sorry..." Red muttered, his voice cracking a little bit while he stared at the tile floor.

"There is nothing to be sorry for, Red.." Papyrus replied.

Classic nodded, "yeah, there ain't nothin' you should be sorry about. 'sides, you've said sorry enough already..." He sighed as he squeezed Red's hands again-Red squeezed back.

"..but you guys shouldn't have'ta deal with my shit..." Red responded.

"its fine, red. ya' don't need'a worry 'bout it." Classic added as he then leaned towards Red, hugging him. Papyrus took his hand away from Red's shoulder, sighing softly as he glanced at the two. Red shakily put his arms out as he then wrapped them around Classic, squeezing his right eye shut, while his other eye struggled to close-it welled up with tears from the pain. Red pushed his head into Classic as Red started to cry again.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry..." Red repeated, his breathing starting to quicken. Classic sighed as he pet Red's back, shushing him gently.

"red, breathe..." Classic reminded as he leaned back from the hug, looking at Red's face. "how about you take a nice long warm shower? that can get some stress off'a your shoulders." Classic suggested, smiling slightly. Red nodded as the two got up-Papyrus getting up a few moments after. "see ya' later red. if ya' need anything, just holler." Classic smiled marginally as he, and Papyrus then walked out, closing the door behind them. Classic let out a long, low sigh as he then leaned against the wall, putting his hand on his forehead.

"We need to talk, Sans..." Papyrus sighed as he looked over at Classic.

Classic drew his hand to the bridge of his nose and squeezed it slightly. "i know." He said shortly, his 'eyebrows' furrowing in slight anxiety.

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