Worsening Condition.

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The familiar sound of monsters screaming was like birds chirping in the morning. It could wake anyone up; even Red.

Annoyed, Red groaned and turned over, putting his pillow over his head.

"too early for this shit..." Red grumbled quietly, hoping that covering his head would block out the noise. Unfortunately, yet another noise appeared; the sound of someone knocking. Feeling his nonexistent veins boil, he quickly sat up, yelling, "what?!" His eye flashed red momentarily with his vivid outburst. The knocking went silent for a few moments before a voice came from the other side.

"SANS, BREAKFAST IS READY DOWNSTAIRS... COME DOWN BEFORE IT GETS COLD." Boss stated, his voice somewhat meek. Red physically paused, his mouth open slightly and eyes fixated on his door. The sound of footsteps trailed away from his door rather quickly... He was surprised Boss didn't barge into his room like he usually does. Red turned over to the edge of his bed and set his feet on the floor. He set his elbows on his knees and set his head on his hands. He sighed, a booming headache clawing at his skull. He just wanted to sleep... Why did everything have to be so loud? Clicking his tongue, he got up, stretching his arms above his head. He glanced at his bed to check if there was any new stains, luckily, there weren't any. His sleeve, though, was a different story; it was crusty and was sticking to his arm. No doubt the toilet paper was too. He scrunched his face up in anguish; today was not his day.

"fuckin' hell... this is some bullshit if i've ever seen it..." Red grumbled, visibly annoyed. He grabbed the sleeve and tried to carefully peel the fabric and toilet paper off of his arm, trying not to open any of the wounds. He winced, inhaling sharply with each movement he made in trying to remove the coverings.

Finally, both the toilet paper and sleeve came off. He rolled his sleeve up slightly and he grabbed the toilet paper. Once he took it, he shoved it in his shorts' pocket. Then he promptly slipped his sweater off, pulling it up and over his head. He tossed it in the corner with his bloodied sheets, he knew he couldn't do the laundry now. It'd be too suspicious if he did. He took a look at his arm, and despite his efforts to not open any of the wounds, some of them started bleeding again. He grit his teeth, annoyed with the outcome of everything so far. Despite that, he walked to his dresser and pulled one of the drawers out, taking an identical sweater out in the process. He kept the sweater in his hand and then proceeded to walk out of his room. He opened his door and immediately went towards the bathroom. He entered the bathroom and closed the door, locking it shortly after. He walked towards the sink and set his sweater on the counter, then turning the water on. He dipped his arm in the water, gently rubbing his wounds, washing the dried blood off. He flinched at the contact, both the water and his touch stinging and burning painfully. He then took the bar of soap that laid on the sink and gently rubbed it on his arm. Now, this hurt a hell of a lot worse. It stung badly, making Red pause and shake his hand.

"fuck-!" Red winced, bouncing on his heels and continuing to shaking his hand. "damn it..." He exhaled, putting his arm under the water again to get the soap off. He set the soap back on the counter, glaring at it. He looked back down at his arm and sighed, turning the faucet off. He once again grabbed toilet paper and repeated to dry his arm. 

Once fairly dry, he tossed the toilet paper in the toilet and then flushed it, the bloodied toilet paper going down. He blew on his arm a little bit, trying to curb the burning sensation that engulfed his arm. He sighed before grabbing the sweater that laid on the sink counter and putting it on, taking care not to have the fabric rub on his arm too much. With the sweater on, he then looked in the mirror, setting his hands on the counter. 

He looked like shit, to say the least. 

He reached his hand up to his eye, touching his dark eyebags. He sighed again, taking his hand away and then looking down at the counter. He glanced at his arm again before looking back up and making his way out of the bathroom. He opened the door and turned off the light, just to turn back at the door to see Boss standing there. Red jumped, his eyes widening before putting his hand on his chest.

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