I'm Sorry. (SFW)

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If you desire to read the NSFW version, it will be the next chapter after this one (I'm Sorry. (NSFW)). Both have the same story, just one doesn't include NSFW.

Classic's voice was muffled by Red's jacket, but Red sighed as he understood what Classic had said. Unfortunately, he didn't really know how to respond, as he wasn't sure himself if all of this was over. If all of this was truly over.

He sighed again, "yeah...i'll-we-will try to work through this... i... i promise." Before he had time to even think his sentence over, he had realized, he made a promise-a very difficult promise to keep.

Classic gripped his arms tighter around Red as he cried harder, "thank you..." He mumbled. Tears soaked into Red's jacket-but Red didn't care, he wanted Classic to stop crying... It wasn't fair. Nothing about this situation was fair. Suddenly, there was a small knock on the door, Classic lifted his head from Red and looked at the door. Red turned his head towards the door as well, as there was then a voice coming from the other side.

"I-IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT IN THERE?" Papyrus asked as he then looked down, "I... I HEAR CRYING..."

Red sighed, "yeah, everythin's a'right paps-just, give us a few more minutes."

"WELL, A-ALRIGHT..! TAKE YOUR TIME..." Papyrus said disappointingly as there was then footsteps heading away from the door.

Classic looked at Red and Red looked back. "i'm sorry for this..." Classic sniffled as he wiped his wet face from the tears.

he still seems really upset... Red thought as a small worried expression played across his face for a few moments. what can i even do to help? Red's eyes narrowed at the floor while he tried to piece the puzzle together. Then, Red had a lightbulb moment. He gulped before he eventually let go of Classic, releasing him from the hug. Classic hesitantly let go and then set his hands on his lap, staring at the ground. "sweetheart..." Red sighed, touching Classic's chin gently, catching Classic off-guard as his head was then lifted up to look at Red in the eye. Red then leaned in, pressing his teeth against Classic's, a small clink sound sounding. "you don't needa worry," Red's voice was gentle, yet still raspy, "we'll figure this out together." Red's hand then gently moved up Classic's face and up to his eye, wiping the rest of his tears away. Classic's cheeks were dusted with a light blue, from both his crying and Red's actions. But he couldn't help but smile while he leaned into Red's hand and held it with his own.

"yeah..." Classic mumbled, unconsciously rubbing his cheek against Red's hand, almost like a cat. "thanks, red," Classic smiled, looking up at Red with a loving gaze, making a smile also come to Red's face, a faint blush showing as well.

"of course, sweetheart," Red cooed, his gentle demeanor catching Classic mildly off-guard subconsciously. Classic eventually let go of Red's hand, and Red, too, took his hand away from Classic's cheek, already leaving a slight longing for Red's touch.

Classic sighed before getting up, stretching his arms above his head, "welp, i think it's safe to say we should take a bath, yeah? a warm soak would do good." Classic reached his hand out to Red before Red raised his brow and took his hand.

"eh? why?" Red asked, obviously confused with Classic's statement.

Classic chuckled as he helped Red up onto his feet, "doesn't a warm bath sound good to you? 'sides, you need to have your clothes cleaned; they're kinda, uh, messy." Red then instinctually looked down at his clothes, and of course, they were stained with blood and grime.

"oh..." Red mumbled before looking away, feeling embarrassed from his stupid, obvious question. Classic chuckled before he went to his dresser and grabbed two pairs of clothes; one for each of them. Red's eyes subconsciously followed Classic around, watching his movements silently. Classic then walked back up to Red, grabbing his head once he was in reaching distance. "eh?" Red questioned, raising his brow.

"bath." Classic replied.

"w-wait, we're going together?" Red asked, having some panic ring through his voice.

Classic chuckled, nodding, "yeah, 'course; it takes less water. paps and i used to share the bath all the time, but he's gotten too big for that now, heh." Red's soul dropped at his words as Classic opened his bedroom door and headed towards the bathroom. Classic then called out, "hey, paps? red 'n i are gonna take a bath, so if you need anything, we'll be in the bathroom." Papyrus was sitting on the couch watching MTT as he turned around, a small sparkle forming in his eye.

"OOH!! THAT SOUNDS LOVELY! I MIGHT TAKE ONE MYSELF ONCE YOU TWO ARE DONE!" Papyrus beamed, a large smile on his face.

Classic smiled, "heh, we'll make sure not to use all the hot water, then." With that, Classic then walked into the bathroom, still holding onto Red's hand and their clothes.

Once in the bathroom, Classic let go of Red's hand and set the two pairs of clothes onto the sink counter, then walking a couple of steps forward towards the bathtub. Classic turned on the bath faucet and waited for the water to get at a decent temperature-even despite not having skin. Red stood by the door fidgeting with his sleeves awkwardly, looking down at the floor. Classic then got the water at a good temperature as he then turned around, seeing Red just standing there.

"you okay, red?" Classic asked, noticing how Red looked... Uncomfortable.

Red looked up and faked a smile, "y-yeah, i'm fine." Red continued to fidget with his sleeves as he looked down again. ...i'm not fine. i don't want you to see what i did to myself... Red thought as he felt some tears sting into his eyes.

"red, you're not fine, you're crying..." Classic replied as he walked up to Red, kneeling down so he can see Red's face. "what's wrong?" Red didn't answer. He knew quite well from experience, that if he'd try to talk when he was at the verge of crying, he'd break down. Red looked away as he tried to get his bearings as he took deep, shallow breaths. "red..." Classic sighed, setting his hand on Red's foot, trying to reassure him that he's there with him.

"c-can i just..bathe alone..?" Red mumbled, tears starting to roll down his cheek and soak into his eye bandage.

Classic looked confused and hurt at the same time as he then sighed. "is this what you're getting all worked up about?" Classic asked. Red didn't respond as he looked away-he was embarrassed, and scared. "heh, of course, you can, red. i was just saying that we could since it saves water, but whatever works with ya'." Classic chuckled dryly as he got up. Great, now he made Classic upset... great goin' red..now you've done it... Red thought as he felt himself break down from there. Warm tears rolled down his face as he dropped to his knees, falling into a sobbing fit. "r-red?!" Classic turned around, concern and fear rattling throughout his voice. "h-hey, we don't need two crying skeletons, now do we..?" Classic smiled nervously, his eyes narrowing in helpless concern.

Red had started to claw at his face as more tears flooded out of his eyes. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry..!" Red sobbed, the tears starting to make the bandage lose its grip around his eye-and with him clawing at his face, the bandage was scraped off with ease.

"red, stop!" Classic croaked as he grabbed Red's wrists, gripping them tightly. Red's left eye looked horrible-it couldn't even close, it was so cracked and damaged. Would he even be able to see out of that eye anymore? Classic stared at Red's eye in shock at how bad it really was-Alphys only said 'it wasn't that bad.' She sure likes to sugarcoat things... Classic ignored the thought for the moment as he tried to comfort Red-even though he had no idea what happened to start this... Was it his fault?

"..i'm sorry..." Red repeated as he looked up at Classic, making a shiver run down his spine. Red's eyes were completely blank, and almost completely devoid of emotion... but, for the emotion that was left, it was only sadness.




Hope you enjoyed the second part of A Painful Love! More will be coming soon!~


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