A 'Small' Trip.

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"yeah-but what about papyrus?" Red asked, turning his head over to where Papyrus was located.

"ah... well, we could either wake 'em up, or leave a note telling 'em where were goin'." Classic suggested while Red turned his head to look back at Classic.

"well, i don't really wanna wake 'em up, but on the same coin, i don't wanna leave 'em behind. ya' know what i'm saying?" Red sighed, closing his eye for a moment. 

Classic nodded understandingly, "yeah, i do-but i don't think he slept well the past few days... so i think i'm just gonna leave him a note. sound good?" 

Red nodded in agreement, "a'right,"

"okay, i'll go write it and put it on the table." Classic stated, then walking downstairs, Red following him a few moments after. Classic walked to the kitchen and opened one of the drawers, then grabbing a stack of post-its and a pen. He scribbled a few words down and peeled the small paper off and stuck it on the table. "a'right, we can go," Classic called quietly while he put the post-its and pen back in the drawer. Red was already at the door with his signature high-top flats on with his hood up and his hands in his pockets. Classic chuckled lightly as he walked to the door and slipped on his slippers while he said, "okay, lets go," and opened the door.

The two short skeletons walked out of the house and closed the door quietly behind them and started walking towards the Ruins-where Toriel lived.  

They both slowly walked at a relaxed pace until Red suddenly asked, "how come we're not jus' teleporting there?" 

He turned his head to look at Classic as he then spoke without looking at Red, "eh, just felt like walking.

"oh," Red replied shortly, looking back in front of him with tired eyes.

"why? do ya' wanna teleport there?" Classic asked, looking over at Red who looked a little dazed. Classic raised a 'brow,' "red?" 

Red then shook his head slightly, "huh?" He looked up and looked over at Classic with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"uh-you good?" Classic asked, looking a little worried. Red shook his head and waved his hands, signaling dismissal.

"oh-yeah-i'm jus' tired 'is all." Red blushed lightly while he spoke and Classic nodded, some blue dusting his cheeks as well.

"well," Classic began, "we can teleport there if you'd like." Red solemnly nodded with his eye closed while he continued walking. "a'right, lets go then." Classic said shortly as he grabbed Red's hand and then teleported the both of them to the Ruins door. Red blinked a few times while Classic then let go of Red's hand and then knocked on the large purple doors. Red stared at the doors as shivers ran down his spine from the thought of his Toriel until there was a faint female voice coming from the other side of the doors.

"Sans, is that you?" the voice asked, a small smile coming to Classic's face.

"yeah tori, its me-i got some company that needs your help-so-uh-could we come in?" Classic spoke directly, yet his voice was still gentle.

"Oh dear-of course- please come in." The large doors then opened a tall figure stood on the other side as Classic then walked in, Red instinctively followed, but his head down and hands shoved in his pockets.

"thanks tori," Classic sighed while he closed his eyes for a few moments.

"Of course my friend-now who is the one who needed my help? And, what with?" Toriel asked, her sweet calming tone of voice echoing slightly.

"healing," Classic said shortly, his voice was slightly on edge, "you know red, right? the guy i told ya' about?"

Toriel nodded, "Of course I remember, you did talk about him a lot for a while. Why? Oh-wait, is he here? Is he the one who needs to be healed?" Toriel asked, her voice sounding a little concerned. She looked behind Classic and found another person behind him-Red. "Oh, Red? Is that you?" She asked as Classic then turned around to face Red and he nodded.

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