A 'Small' Trip Pt. 2

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Toriel sighed softly, nodding, "It would be nice to talk about it, so I could possibly get a better understanding of this situation."

Classic nodded, rubbing the bridge of his nose while he replied, "a'right, tell me what happened then."

Red cursed angrily to himself as he stormed out of the kind monster's home, anger was still clearly flaring from his socket. While he walked away from the building, he kicked stones that were scattered across the ground-making the area echo softly once the rocks hit a wall. 

Once he passed the old, dead-looking tree, he turned right, walking past the corner, a small foggy trail of red followed him as it leaked from his eye-he didn't even know why his eye was still producing magic. He let out a frustrated sigh as he closed his eye for a few moments, then opening it back up, continuing his walk to who knows where. 

Red then encountered a plate of spikes blocking the path that seemed to lead away from Toriel's house. He groaned as he then turned back-not taking the risk to accidentally kill himself from a single touch of one of the damned spikes. Knowing he couldn't teleport all too well in his current state, he walked to the opposite end of the path and turned left, then noticing a small doorway-it seemed to be dark inside. Red was hesitant at first, but decided to walk in anyways-once he passed the door threshold, he found himself on a balcony and his eye widened marginally to see tall buildings on the terrain-it seemed abandoned from how quiet and eerie it was. He turned to his left, then noticing a small, plastic toy knife on the ground near the corner of the balcony-he had to admit, it surprised, and freaked him out a little bit. He let out a small breath he unconsciously held in, closing his eye momentarily while he exhaled. Back in his world, he never really explored the Ruins before, so some of the little things he's seen so far were new to him-like the toy knife. He crossed his arms and set them on the ledge of the balcony, then simply stared at the abandoned buildings. Red looked down, then realizing how high up he is compared to the ground below, which seemed to almost disappear in the darkness. 

He found himself staring down for a long while, the magic still painfully leaked from his eye, despite him not being too angry anymore. Though he knew quite well that he had a pretty turbulent personality, he couldn't quite understand why he was still producing magic from his eye. Maybe he was still unconsciously angry and didn't even know it? Or maybe there was another underlying issue that he had yet to pinpoint. He let out a sigh as he closed his eye, leaning his head back slightly, feeling the faint, stale wind blow against his frail frame.

He opened his eyes and looked down again, rubbing the bridge of his nose while muttering, "god, i need a cigarette..." he let out a small sigh before looking at the buildings once more, his eyes slightly clouded with an unknown emotion. 

"so that's what happened..." Classic said with a small amount of annoyance in his tone, Toriel nodding silently. "unfortunately, that's how red is..." he said hesitantly, letting out a small sigh. "he may be a duplicate of me, but he is still difficult to understand." Toriel nodded again in agreement, a tense silence filling the air, making it almost intoxicating-and not in a good way.

Classic then pushed his chair back, standing up a moment after, making Toriel look up at him. Toriel tilted her head, "Are you going to look for him?" He nodded while pushing the chair in, the scraping of the chair filling the almost soundless household. "Well, please be careful my friend. You know as well as I the Ruins are dangerous." Classic nodded silently as he walked to the doorway, sliding his slippers on.

"i'll be back," he stated nonchalantly as he headed out the door, leaving with a small lift of his hand. Toriel waved back, the faint smile on her face quickly fading as she looked down at the table, letting out a troubled sigh.

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