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"Now," Toriel began, "what exactly happened to you two?"

Classic flinched at Toriel's words; he was expecting that question, but it still caught him off guard nonetheless. But, he knew he had to explain it to her- she had helped them this far without an explanation; it was her pay, in essence.

"we're..." Classic paused, "we're gonna have to sit down for this." Toriel couldn't help but have alarms go off in her head- she already didn't like where this was going. She nodded, nonetheless and walked over to the dining table and took a seat, Classic doing the same. As soon as he sat down, he immediately wanted to stand right back up again and just leave, but he knew better than to do that. Instead, he straightened his posture and fidgeted with his hands before clearing his throat. "so..." Classic began, "you know red's personality is... turbulent, yeah?" Toriel raised her brow, but nodded, she knew that all too well, despite not knowing Red for too long. "yeah... so, when we left your place, we just teleported back to the house, just to save us the leg-work, ya' know? so, we did that, but... it made him nauseous, i suppose. not really sure why, but-anyways, we sent 'em to bed right away and pap and i kinda just talked more about what happened here and all that. 'cause ya' know, needa keep him informed 'n all that." Toriel nodded along with Classic's story, trying to pay attention to certain details that may or may not be important later on. "anyways, it got late, pap and i ate some dinner and just went to bed after that; i slept on the couch while red was up in my room. now, we're skippin' to the time i was waken up- by red." Toriel tilted her head animatedly, still not entirely sure where all of this goes into play as to why both of them got so hurt. But despite that, she continued to listen, "i was mainly woken up by the smell; alcohol and cigs. it was already clear to me he had gone to grillby's, but here i was still worried that he was sick. not sure if he was putting up a facade just so he could get wasted or not, but, what do i know? heh..." Classic chuckled dryly, his eyelights disappearing for a moment before he continued, "so, of course i confronted him about it, wondering why in underground he was goin' to grillby's when he was 'sick.'  both of us... got pretty fired up- and not in a good way. with all of the emotional stress goin' on, this was kind of a shortcut for... certain emotions to escape." Toriel's expression quickly turned grim; it seemed she had put two and two together.

"You didn't-..." Toriel's eyes widened while Classic simply looked down, his eyelights diappearing once again. Toriel covered her mouth, it was as if Classic had admitted to what he had done.

"yeah..." Classic muttered, his head still drooped down, averting eye contact with Toriel. "red and i... got into a fight." Toriel couldn't help but quickly stand up from her seat, her hands covering her mouth. She could hardly believe it- she didn't want to believe it. Classic put his hands on his head, "i dunno why i did it- it just- it just happened-" he stumbled over his words, his emotions starting to stop him from forming actual sentences. Classic could feel tears start to well up in his eyes, and immediately squeezed his eyes shut and grit his teeth. He felt awful. "i..." Classic sobbed, "i was the one who started the physical fight-" tears were streaming down his face now. Toriel simply stood there, staring at Classic in disbelief. Why did this happen? She didn't know. It seemed like Classic didn't know either. Classic had stopped speaking now, instead, choked sobs were the only thing escaping from his mouth. Toriel didn't know where to begin, she knew she had to talk to him, but... she didn't know how.

Toriel sighed, "Thank you..." she paused, "thank you for telling me, Sans." Classic didn't know why, but that only made him cry harder, he simply collapsed his head onto the table and covered his head with his arms.

"i'm so sorry..." Classic choked out quietly, his bones rattling slightly from his emotions.

Toriel gulped before she walked up to Classic, putting her hand on his shoulder, "Let us go to bed, yes? It is far too late to get into any more detail." She rubbed his trembling shoulder gently, trying to comfort him. He slowly lifted his head and looked up at Toriel; his face was drenched and flushed from all of his crying. Toriel's heart ached at the sight; she hated to see her friends upset like this. "Come on, friend," Toriel urged gently, a small smile forming on her lips. Classic simply nodded and got up and out of the chair, his knees wobbling a little bit. Toriel kept her hand on his back as she leaded him to the room he had stayed in previously. By now, she had changed the light bulb and sheets in the room, and it was no longer dusty. She didn't know why, but she had a feeling the two skeletons may or may not show up again; it was always better to be prepared. Right now was a perfect example of that. Toriel opened the door and walked inside with Classic before she dropped her hand away from his back.

A Painful Love (KUSTARD SANSCEST)Where stories live. Discover now